How will the staff bolster RB depth

What backup RB will get the most quality touches against Indiana?

  • Brad Rogers, because no other backup is D1 quality.

    Votes: 14 26.4%
  • The coaches will be satisfied with Paki O'meara.

    Votes: 36 67.9%
  • Brett Morse

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Other?

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
(I know your question said if A-Rob was done until the bowl game, however) I think the Rogers answer will depend on whether the staff thinks A-Rob is going to play against OSU. If the staff thinks A-Rob will be back, I think we will see Wegher and Paki. If the staff thinks A-Rob is out for OSU, I would think they would have to go with Wegher and Rogers.
I just can't see them burning a redshirt with 5 games remaining.

Like I have said previously -

Your playing for all the marbles now my friends......IOWA is in uncharted waters - If Rogers is a better RB than Paki (& IMO - He has to be) as a coaching staff DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to play for all those marbles!!!!

I just can't see them burning a redshirt with 5 games remaining.

I can. Paki O'Meara might be a nice kid but he is NOT a D1 running back, and especially not on the #4 team in America.

This is the year you throw all the chips in the pot.
I can. Paki O'Meara might be a nice kid but he is NOT a D1 running back, and especially not on the #4 team in America.

This is the year you throw all the chips in the pot.


My thoughts fact I said them right above you :)
Wegher has to become the feature back and we have to rely on Stanzi's arm to carry us. If we throw 10-20% more, we may be able to handle only having one main back. But, if he gets hurt. . .
Wegher has to become the feature back and we have to rely on Stanzi's arm to carry us. If we throw 10-20% more, we may be able to handle only having one main back. But, if he gets hurt. . .

If Wegher has sore or bruised much you bet he starts with a flak Jacket for extra protection!?
I don't see us burning the redshirt on a guy who has likely not be learning the Iowa system as much as he's been learning scout offenses. So I think what's likely to happen it Stanzi will throw a little more which could be good when Paki is in to catch some passes out of the backfield and he already know the blocking assignments. I predict seeing a better running game in the next couple of weeks for a couple reasons.

1) competition is weaker
2) o-line is playing better (losing Richardson hurts, but we do have experience with JV)
3) more passing plays opens up the defense for the running game
EXCELLENT POINT! true freshman in first game for #4 team, just as risky. paki has been in the system more, probably understands the system better. i think its a no brainer.

Agreed bit isn't it a little telling that a true freshmen that hasn't played all year made the travel squad to MSU? It could have been just in case but I think if A-Rob is out for longer then a couple of weeks Rodgers will play this year.
It all depends on the leghth of time ARob is out. If he is truly done until the bowl, I think the red shirt will come off.
I guess all the stuff I've read is that ARob is out a "couple of weeks" I haven't seen anything to say he could be gone till the bowl game
It all depends on the leghth of time ARob is out. If he is truly done until the bowl, I think the red shirt will come off.
I agree except for the time frame. If Arob's questionable for OSU I think they should burn Roger's (or J. Brown's if they think he's better) redshirt and get him up to speed these next two games.
Doubt they'll burn his redshirt and here's why... We would have FIVE sophomore RB's next year..

1. Robinson
2. Hampton
3. Wegher
4. Rogers
5. Brinson

They probably think they'll lose one of those guys already, so they don't want to lose a second. They've been chanting the next-man-in mantra, so Paki will get a few carries behind Wegher.

It will hurt to lose Robinson, but you have to remember everything this team has gone through up to this point.

Hampton out
Bernstine out
Bulaga missed three games
Calloway missed a game
Prater missed two (or three?) games
Chaney out
Brinson limited time

That's a lot of firepower, but this team has recovered. Our running game may be slow, but whoever's there will work ten times harder now, so the running game will be just fine.
Iowa cannot afford to overuse Wegher the next 2 games as he is not in real good shape either. And you sure cannot go into the Ohio State game with Paki as your main running back and hope to win. Imo, they need to play Rogers and/or Brown the next 2 weeks so that Wegher is healthy for the OSU game in case Robinson is not. They need another rb that can be effective against OSU in the event Robinson and/or Wegher can't go for OSU.

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