How to manage a Dual head QB situation


Well-Known Member
What are your suggestions? Everyone seems to have an opinion. Most of which are not positive. How can the situation be made as positive as possible?? We know the dual QB can work, we saw it in 2001. That was a unique scenario, where both QBs were different, offering separate skillsets. That definitely helped in game preparations, in that the other team needed to be ready for either QB. This is not 2001. These two QBs are much more similar than different.

How to handle the playing time? I say it has to be by quarter. What other way is there? Throw in the 2nd teamer for a series every once in a while? Hell no, that does not work, period....

Here is my opinion - The starter plays thru the 1st quarter, then the backup plays the 1st series of the 2nd quarter for the REMAINDER of the half. Then the coaches pick who finishes that game(without Kirk's opinion, no "gut" feelings like Iowa vs Michigan in 2001. Foolish. Banks would have won that game, and the 1st half play comparison wasn't even close). So, preferably the one who scores...

Make this the same every game for the rest of the year. One quarter each. Then the hot hand finishes. MAYBE switch it up late in the game, if the other QB faulters. But Keep it this way UNLESS one QB bombs, or the other shines head & shoulders above the other.

Former QBs in dual head situations say the most difficult part was not knowing if you will be back in the next series. Constant nerves. Second guessing. Never truly being able to get in the groove. Having an entire quarter with multiple series guaranteed, regardless of play, will fix that issue.

Does anyone have a better scenario for playing two QBs?
I'd play it based on situation. Ruddock strikes me as a good QB to start the game with. He's safe. We can run our base offense to set stuff up later in the game. Play him 2 scripted series, then play Bethard two scripted series.

After that it is situtional. If we are protecting a large lead and want to grind out 15 play drives, I think Ruddock should be playing. If we are trailing multiple touchdowns I think Beathard should be in because he offers more explosive plays. If the run game is working well that plays to Ruddock's strength. If the run game is not working and we need more designed QB runs, improvisation, then we should have Beathard in. I wouldn't play a QB based simply on each's success in their first couple series.

If we are going to do this, then we need to run Beathard in some zone read stuff. We need to make defenses game plan for two slightly different packages.
Jake will start. CJ will come in for a series at some point...if he doesn't lead the Hawks to a touchdown, you won't see him again the rest of the year (barring an injury to Jake or a HUGE lead in the 4th quarter).
Jake starts the game, and then when he establishes a large enough deficit, CJ comes in to attempt the comeback.
Don't like it, never have, don't think there's a good way to do it, and think ours is going to be a trainwreck and we will all be rubberneckers. That's a great word.
Don't like two QB rotations, especially in a pro set formation. Whoever starts needs time to warm up, get in the groove in the game, see what the opposing defense is showing and begin to read from that.
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It's pretty simple really. You play the best QB exclusively, which in this case is obviously CJ. Unfortunately according to Kirk, Jake practiced better in August of 2013 so he gets to be the starter until the end of time.
Make a plan just for Indiana. Each game is going to be different. I also think it matters how 100% JR is. Will JR have the hip problem cleared up and be 100% able to move in all directions with his top speed.

The hawk offense has notoriously started slow this year and almost always under GD. The starter will be under this common problem of a slow starting offense.

So yes give the starter several series UNLESS he is missing open receivers. My estimate just eyeballing the first two games in Kinnick was that JR is not targeting open receivers down the field.

Same goes with CJ when he is in, if he is not making the correct reads and throws you may have to change back to JR.

The starter gets a few series but also stays in based on their audibles and reads in the passing game and how they are throwing the ball.

I think it was the Ball State game that JR was really off target in the first half. Can't have that when we have two good QBs.
I could see the staff using Jake between the 20's and CJ in the redzone to take advantage of CJs mobility and his ability to go "off ******" when the play breaks down. I could see them letting each QB take 2 series each to start the game and then going with the one that seems to have the better feel. And I could see the staff putting this up as a smoke screen and simply playing JR the entire game. :)
One encouraging thing that I discovered this year is that Iowa has a new vocabulary. They count "explosives". That is to say they count the number of explosive plays - I think its run plays that exceed 12 yards and pass plays that exceed 16 ? not sure.

In any case that is a wonderful metric and needed emphasis - its new to me but may not be new to the GD system.

So that probably goes into the QB PT. QB has to get the team into the right play at the LOS. Then team has to execute from there. And then the player himself has opportunity to get something done using his own skill and will.
One encouraging thing that I discovered this year is that Iowa has a new vocabulary. They count "explosives". That is to say they count the number of explosive plays - I think its run plays that exceed 12 yards and pass plays that exceed 16 ? not sure.

In any case that is a wonderful metric and needed emphasis - its new to me but may not be new to the GD system.

So that probably goes into the QB PT. QB has to get the team into the right play at the LOS. Then team has to execute from there. And then the player himself has opportunity to get something done using his own skill and will.

^^ Good points but I really like those Off Coordinators who know how to manipulate the opposing defense.

You would hope GD would call mostly the right plays and then COACH UP THE PLAYERS to make adjustments at LOS.

Blitz coming then team knows with quick signals to cut off routes to quick slants, quick sit down routes, and throws to the guys with cushion.

Run blitz defense in gaps against a called running play then signals to go to hard play action or HEAVEN FORBID give the QB the option to fake the handoff and take off themselves on a naked bootleg only they know about (but that wouldnt fly in the KF scheme).
Don't over complicate it folks because KF is still the coach at Iowa. KF said from the start of the season that Iowa has 2 very capable QB's, which isn't a bad thing he said and that hasn't changed. What else hasn't changed is that JR is the starter and CJ is the backup. What we seen from CJ in the UNI-Ball State-ISU games is IMO about what we will see moving forward, with maybe a extra series sprinkled in for CJ here and there for added flavor nothing more and nothing less. I really find it hard to believe that KF is going to implement a full scale 2 QB rep set moving forward, I'm just not buying that.
Everyone knows Jake needs to be kicked to the curb. "$EC" him, that'll show him. The school doesn't owe him a thing, and he's cheated every fan with his terrible play, intentional mistakes and doing what the coaches ask him to do.

Thank God for CJ. 14-point wins over Purdue don't happen every day...
Everyone knows Jake needs to be kicked to the curb. "$EC" him, that'll show him. The school doesn't owe him a thing, and he's cheated every fan with his terrible play, intentional mistakes and doing what the coaches ask him to do.

Thank God for CJ. 14-point wins over Purdue don't happen every day...

so much derp in this post. Jake has done many good things for the hawks and his play has been far from terrible.
Everyone knows Jake needs to be kicked to the curb. "$EC" him, that'll show him. The school doesn't owe him a thing, and he's cheated every fan with his terrible play, intentional mistakes and doing what the coaches ask him to do.

Thank God for CJ. 14-point wins over Purdue don't happen every day...

Tongue in cheek???
Everyone knows Jake needs to be kicked to the curb. "$EC" him, that'll show him. The school doesn't owe him a thing, and he's cheated every fan with his terrible play, intentional mistakes and doing what the coaches ask him to do.

Thank God for CJ. 14-point wins over Purdue don't happen every day...

Why do you hate CJ so much?
Jake will start. CJ will come in for a series at some point...if he doesn't lead the Hawks to a touchdown, you won't see him again the rest of the year (barring an injury to Jake or a HUGE lead in the 4th quarter).

I hope this isn't the case. But you may very well be right...

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