So much of it has to do with how the media portrays teams. Michigan, Penn State, and Ohio State are brand names. If it was MSU, Iowa, and Northwestern doing last year what they are doing this year, the Big 10 would be perceived as weak. Case in point last year. Iowa, MSU, and Northwestern did exactly what OSU, Michigan, and Penn State are doing this year. But since they weren't brand names, they got no respect.
I got a lot of that last season at work. They just couldnt handle the Hawkeyes winning like they did! LolSo much of it has to do with how the media portrays teams. Michigan, Penn State, and Ohio State are brand names. If it was MSU, Iowa, and Northwestern doing last year what they are doing this year, the Big 10 would be perceived as weak. Case in point last year. Iowa, MSU, and Northwestern did exactly what OSU, Michigan, and Penn State are doing this year. But since they weren't brand names, they got no respect.