How many wins does Kirk need to save his job?

6, and a decent bowl invitation.

Iowans like to go someplace warm for the holidays. Two years of no bowl = no job.
6, and a decent bowl invitation.

Iowans like to go someplace warm for the holidays. Two years of no bowl = no job.

So let's say 6 is that "magic number" (if there is one) and he wins 5 (or whatever). My question is, does he get fired or does he resign and move into a role of associate athletic director or something of that nature as a way of avoiding the big buyout and to keep him from being fired (neither side wants a firing because of the years he's given and because, well, no one wants to be fired). I think it would be something of this nature rather than him just parting ways. He'd still get a good payday and everyone seems to win. I guess I could see him taking a year off due to burn out and then coaching somewhere else, but he is getting up there in age and not many people, outside of a mid-major, are looking to hire a 60 year old not named Saban. I don't see him retiring yet, either. Just some thoughts/ramblings.
I don't see how he survives another losing season. Not with the re-seating of Kinnick coming after next year, which will include higher required donation levels and increased ticket prices. If they miss a bowl again, there will be some kind of structured buyout/mutual parting of ways. I seriously doubt he will hold the U hostage for a couple of million bucks when he already has more money than God. He just doesn't seem like that kind of sleazy character, but who really knows. 6-6 and a crap bowl gives him at least 2014 to make a run at a conference title. If we're not at that level by then, I think he's finished. That would be 16 years as HC, which is an INSANE amount of longevity in this day and age.
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Next year is not in question. Kirk can have another 3-4 win season in 2013 and keep his job. The next year 2014 will decide. If we have a 3rd consecutive losing season I believe Kirk would resign. I'm in the group that thinks Kirk will turn the ship back around and we will see significant improvement in 2013 and back in the mix in 2014.
I said 2 because I know anything less than that is unrealistic, and that with 2 wins he stays. I will say that if they were to go 0-12 or 1-11 I do think he'd be gone. There is no chance that happens however so there is no point in even entertaining it.
I don't see how he survives another losing season. Not with the re-seating of Kinnick coming after next year, which will include higher required donation levels and increased ticket prices. If they miss a bowl again, there will be some kind of structured buyout/mutual parting of ways. I seriously doubt he will hold the U hostage for a couple of million bucks when he already has more money than God. He just doesn't seem like that kind of sleazy character, but who really knows. 6-6 and a crap bowl gives him at least 2014 to make a run at a conference title. If we're not at that level by then, I think he's finished. That would be 16 years as HC, which is an INSANE amount of longevity in this day and age.
You're an optimist.
I think the title should say Barta not Kirk.

If they turn in another bowl less season there are going to be a lot of ticked off donors and alumni. Iowa may not be able to afford KFs buyout but someone will have to pay and it could be the guy who gave KF that ridiculous contract.
Next year is not in question. Kirk can have another 3-4 win season in 2013 and keep his job. The next year 2014 will decide. If we have a 3rd consecutive losing season I believe Kirk would resign. I'm in the group that thinks Kirk will turn the ship back around and we will see significant improvement in 2013 and back in the mix in 2014.
I don't think he has a number for next year. The following year is the key year to turn it or else. He just isn't going anywhere except on his own terms.

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