How many of you

are just plain bored with Iowa Football? For me, a rabid CFB fan, I spend my time watching the great ones...Bama, Stanford, Ducks, etc. and pretty much have written off the Hawks.

Hawkeye Football just don't get me excited anymore. I blame it on the Ferentz Ball (play not to win) product that's been shoved down our throats but even more so, I find the new nanny-state that Iowa tailgating has turned into, that you, the fans let those IC libs dictate and ya'll dropped down and obeyed to be as equally embarrassing as Iowa Football. Need an example?: MELROSE AVENUE where the U of I hires some low level rent-a-cop from West Branch to sniff your pepsi in cup, with his buddy the Aux. Sheriff Deputy from Solon just itchin' to frisk ya cuz' you have a Purdy mouth. Welcome to your Police State

Iowa fans, you pay your taxes, you pay for those tickets, you donate money yet let a small group of sugar panty academic types in a back room take charge of what you drink, where you drink and how much you drink. What happened to the State and Univ. that I once dearly loved??? I know that you feel the same as me, but probably won't admit it while at same time let Sally M. and her puppet G. Barta continue to erode your rights.
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