How many of you are 'spent' this season?


Well-Known Member
Maybe yall can relate....
Gameday, getting amped up to watch Hawk basketball, team in still contention to do some damage. Big game arrives, Hawks flush it down the stool at the end, utter disappointment.

Its happened so many times this year, that I am 'spent'. Its killing me to get amped up every game only to come crashing down. Makes a guy want to just 'check out' emotionally the rest of the season, aka still watch and cheer them on, but not expect huge things.
Hate to say that, really do....

Hopefully our fans that attend games don't start to 'check out' as well.
Maybe should start putting more of your energy into your own life and stop getting so emotionally invested in a bunch of 18-22 year old boys.
I was spent during the Lute and Mr. Davis years with many ups and downs. I remember the NCAA game against Toledo where the hawks just crushed them in first 25 minutes with a big lead and then the whistles came out with about 4 hawks fouling out. Lester's Jr year I believe.

And Dr Toms teams could beat N Carolina and Arizona on the road in non-conf and win a lot of big games in conf play but just when you thought they might win a few more Keady, Knight and Heathcote would rear their ugly heads and the momentum would change with some mystery calls.

I still get very excited to watch the hawks play great bball like they are now and last year. But I hold back my thoughts of something huge.

I somewhat checked out during Raveling and Alford years because they were only recruiters and neither was a good in game coach.

I totally checked out with Lick.
That sucks for you dude... I can hardly wait for the big ten tourney because I think we have chance to make a run. I think destroying the Big ten champs shows we can hang with anybody when we hit some 3s and defend them.

and then we have our first NCAA appearance in years.... Nuff said.

maybe you should take a week or two off and just come back for the post season or something because you're going to miss out on some fun.
Can't expect Marble to play like he did vs Michigan every game. White needs to snap back in it or give some mins up to uthoff.

I believe they can make a run but it's frustrating to see a different team show up one game and then see them excel another.

Really liking Oglesby play though.
Not "spent" but extremely frustrated -- the line-change rotations, the "Ferentzian" overplay of unproductive players because they're hardworking seniors, the complete disappearance of White over the past month, the lack of focus to avoid outside distractions & general "not ready for prime-time" underachievement. Other than that, I'm fine.;)

The sig is back; I prematurely deleted it last week.
It's a process for Iowa. They're not quite there, yet. The players, the coach. I forgive as long as Iowa continues to get better.
I hardly think its unusual to feel "spent" after a game like the Wisconsin loss. The same feeling probably prevailed in many fans after the MSU and OSU games. Great Highs are often in the company of Great Lows. It may well be much the same way the players feel. They are likely, in their youth, a bit more resilient than we, the fans...thank Heaven! I do have to add that putting emotion into games played by young men and women is a great escape from the everyday pressures of what we do as adults. No need to make fun of it. My guess is that the poster who started this thread is not headed for deep depression.
Not "spent" but extremely frustrated -- the line-change rotations, the "Ferentzian" overplay of unproductive players because they're hardworking seniors, the complete disappearance of White over the past month, the lack of focus to avoid outside distractions & general "not ready for prime-time" underachievement. Other than that, I'm fine.;)

The sig is back; I prematurely deleted it last week.

Why not join Hawkeyes1234 and HawkMN and take a long break from your criticism and being "spent". Sounds like you guys are close to a personal meltdown. That would be a travesty to not have your keen sense of knowledge on this board. :) Too sarcastic??
This is why I record Iowa games (unless I am there in person) and only watch if they win. Less stressful that way.
I am not disapointed in the least. This is the most entertaining team Iowa has had since the days of Marble,BJ,Horton. My hope is that as Bo,Thad and Izzo fade into the sunset. Fran will be the benefactor of those phantom calls or no calls. The BB boards were barren ghosts boards during the Lick years. Iowa BB is relevant again and its good to see people care again.
Feeling kinda down for sure. I really thought we would stake our claim to a conference championship so I was amped for this week bulding up to the MSU game. Wasn't expecting Iowa to **** it all away in the first game. Spent? Maybe.

I'll still watch the rest of regular season and B1G tourney and save my rabid fandom for the NCAA's. I know we can make a big run!
I wouldn't saw I'm "spent" but yesterday's loss had a very similar extremely disappointed feel for me as the Wisconsin football loss in 2010. Home game, fired up crowd, hated rival, incredibly competitive game. And just like that fall day 3 1/2 years ago, despite the talent level Iowa had/has, I could see the loss coming even when Iowa was ahead. Even the player reactions post game were similar.

Still a lot of season left, possibly 8 games before the tournament. At least we know things won't be boring.
Maybe yall can relate....
Gameday, getting amped up to watch Hawk basketball, team in still contention to do some damage. Big game arrives, Hawks flush it down the stool at the end, utter disappointment.

Its happened so many times this year, that I am 'spent'. Its killing me to get amped up every game only to come crashing down. Makes a guy want to just 'check out' emotionally the rest of the season, aka still watch and cheer them on, but not expect huge things.
Hate to say that, really do....

Hopefully our fans that attend games don't start to 'check out' as well.

so many hawk fans are clowns. op is just another example. no offense to the isu clowns that post on this board.
Sports is all about "the Thrill of victory and the agony of defeat".

You must risk one to enjoy the other.

And to DVR the game to avoid the agony robs you of lifes most euphoric moments...
I haven't put forth this much emotional equity in a Hawk sports team since the 2010 FB team.

Is the pleasure worth the pain?

Absolutely, and twice on Sunday.
Sports is all about "the Thrill of victory and the agony of defeat".

You must risk one to enjoy the other.

And to DVR the game to avoid the agony robs you of lifes most euphoric moments...

Although with Iowa it seems you never get to experience the former because of the latter.

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