How did Iowa Get to the point Ferentz needs Barta's Full Support


Well-Known Member
The only time I hear the "Vote of Confidence" bad news usually follows. The criticism of KF is getting louder and originating from new sources. I remember the regression of support for Lick was very much the same. I believe Purdue is a winnable game but we need to do well against Indiana. Even if we win both games the last two games will still be important. Nebraska at home at the end of the year may be the tipping point. We need fan support and if Kinnick is tarnished red then it leaves a terrible taste in the mouths of many.

This season just seems to be a last-season-type scenario being played out. Why is this KF’s fault? His early teams were all developed and it seems he has a hard time with the talent. Go back to the 2005 recruiting class highly rated but did not pan out like you would expect. Does he just need four years to make certain positions perform? If so this type of patience is not going to be appreciated by many 18-22 year-old athletes who could be on a sit on a bench and win at other schools or play right away at others.

My final straw against KF was in the post-game interview with Dolph after NW when he blamed the blocked punt on the new guys on the line. While it may be true that they are not up to speed, whose job is it to get them there? I would expect him to say “We have some guys injured but that is part of the game.” This is why I respected him in the past but if he is going to start blaming players and injuries then not anymore.
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Kirk isn't going anywhere. He will be Iowa's coach for AT LEAST 4-5 more years, regardless of record. He won't be fired.
He will be coach until Brian is ready to take over. However, the real question is how will Kurt know Brian is ready until he's actually the head coach?
He will be coach until Brian is ready to take over. However, the real question is how will Kurt know Brian is ready until he's actually the head coach?

Here's how it will work: Kurt will get sick of GarBar's twice-annual "vote of confidence" in two years, and he will fire GarBar.
Kurt will then ascend to the role of AD, and immediately promote Brain...err, I mean head ball coach.
Brain will staff up with James, Steverino, and maybe Mary if she's up to it.

He will be coach until Brian is ready to take over. However, the real question is how will Kurt know Brian is ready until he's actually the head coach?

He will probably know its time to make the switch based on how bad his performance gets...or not
The only time I hear the "Vote of Confidence" bad news usually follows. The criticism of KF is getting louder and originating from new sources. I remember the regression of support for Lick was very much the same. I believe Purdue is a winnable game but we need to do well against Indiana. Even if we win both games the last two games will still be important. Nebraska at home at the end of the year may be the tipping point. We need fan support and if Kinnick is tarnished red then it leaves a terrible taste in the mouths of many.

This season just seems to be a last-season-type scenario being played out. Why is this KF’s fault? His early teams were all developed and it seems he has a hard time with the talent. Go back to the 2005 recruiting class highly rated but did not pan out like you would expect. Does he just need four years to make certain positions perform? If so this type of patience is not going to be appreciated by many 18-22 year-old athletes who could be on a sit on a bench and win at other schools or play right away at others.

My final straw against KF was in the post-game interview with Dolph after NW when he blamed the blocked punt on the new guys on the line. While it may be true that they are not up to speed, whose job is it to get them there? I would expect him to say “We have some guys injured but that is part of the game.â€￾ This is why I respected him in the past but if he is going to start blaming players and injuries then not anymore.

I think right now Jon Miller; Rob Howe and Tom Kakert are unhappy with the fan negativity. But these men are probably bracing for what is to come when Iowa loses to Nebraska 44-9 on national TV. The message boards that day will make the last two weeks look like a love-in.
I heard a lot of people say Lick was not going anywhere either. I know Kirk has been around a long time and it is probably just a weird vibe I am getting.
Here's my opinion on the topic. I'm tired of watching the team barely trying to win, if at all. I'm not saying that the players aren't trying hard, or that they are not trying to win, but that they are not being put in position to win due to the play calling and schemes being used. We've got 2 supposedly great TE's in CJF and Hamilton, but you wouldn't know it from watching the games and their stats. Speaking of TE's, anybody seen Zach Derby lately? He had 12 catches for 117 last year, but I can't remember the last time I saw him on the field even though his stats say he has played in all 8 games this year.

Where is the hurry up, no huddle offense we heard about? Is that what we were watching when JV got called for his 3rd delay of game on Saturday? Speaking of JV, he has looked terrible this season yet the coaches refuse to sit him. It's obvious to most of us that JV can't get it done right now. Why has he dropped off so much this year? Wish I knew. But it is time to put in the back up. Even if Rudock isn't any better at least it gives the appearance of TRYING to do something to win a game. I knew the PSU game was over 2 plays after they went up 17-0. There was zero change to an offense that was obviously not working. It gives the appearance that the coaching staff is not even trying to win.

That's what most of this boils down to. It's one thing to not have the players, but at least watch them work hard, and watch the coaches do everything they can to put the team in a winning position but still lose. While it is still hard to watch your team lose, you at least feel like they were in it and had a chance. I don't get that sense watching the Hawks right now. I don't get the sense that there is a plan in place that can lead the team to a win. I know the players are frustrated, I know they are playing hard, and I want to see them win, but I don't see it happening.
Is it Kurt's used wad, or is he allowed to have a fresh stick of Juicy Fruit?

Do you ever add anything meaningful to the conversation or do you just get a kick out of trying to be the class clown in every thread you participate in?

*I'll add that I have zero desire to argue and derail the thread so that's the only comment I'll make. Just an observation.
Do you ever add anything meaningful to the conversation or do you just get a kick out of trying to be the class clown in every thread you participate in?

Is this a trick question?

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