HN Support


Well-Known Member
Hey HN faithful,

I just wanted to say quickly that I think it's important that we all have a strong showing of support over the next few weeks here at HN. We should all continue to post, visit and everything else we've done since the site opened regardless of the recent tech issues.

As a musician I can't imagine if an engineer erased my entire catalog of songs. Countless hours of work, countless random thoughts, and a whole lot of heart and soul. This is basically what has happened to Jon with this situation. Jon does a lot for us for no cost on this site. Now it's our turn to return the favor.

I know I probably didn't need to say this stuff as all of us appreciate this site and what Jon does, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

GO HAWKS! and GO Hawkeye Nation!
Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment. All I hope for is the people that made this a part of their daily tour around the web will continue to do so.
Don't worry Jon, at least 30% of those posts had no value anyway.....heck most of mine sure didn't.

Love the site, I hardly ever posted on the old site, but I have been much more active on the new one.
JW, if someone got banned during the time warp, are they un-banned now? Jon, total support from me. Hope you can get back to normal asap.
Hey HN faithful,

I just wanted to say quickly that I think it's important that we all have a strong showing of support over the next few weeks here at HN. We should all continue to post, visit and everything else we've done since the site opened regardless of the recent tech issues.

As a musician I can't imagine if an engineer erased my entire catalog of songs. Countless hours of work, countless random thoughts, and a whole lot of heart and soul. This is basically what has happened to Jon with this situation. Jon does a lot for us for no cost on this site. Now it's our turn to return the favor.

I know I probably didn't need to say this stuff as all of us appreciate this site and what Jon does, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

GO HAWKS! and GO Hawkeye Nation!

So do you have a band going ?
What instrument do you play?
The guy says he's a musician.Just asking him what he plays?
I use to play gigs out in the bars for 20 years.Get it now?

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