Hey ferentz haters...


Well-Known Member
don't worry, after next week it's possible that Iowa will no longer have a football team or people willing to come to it, so while he will hold a title, you won't have to sit through such horrendous football anymore!
I just watched a commercial for Geico that reminded me of Iowa football and KF.

Sleeping beauty is lying down and sleeping. The prince comes and kisses her. There is no reaction. He looks at her with that what gives shrug of shoulders and finally walks off and leaves. Then sleeping beauty then quickly turns to a nearby animal and ask "Is he gone yet?" The animal says yes and sleeping beauty says "Finally, I thought he would never leave."
Don't think people hate coach,just don't think he can put a bandaid on it and fix it.Changes need to be made but don't know if he can see it.
I swear to Santa Jesus himself that you could section off 10 different Div I teams in groups of the individual teams 22 starters.....all ten teams wearing the same exact uniforms....and I would bet ANYONE $1000 that just by looking at the players physique I could pick with certainty Iowa....other than King, our WR's, DB's, LB's, and DL's look no different than any FCS team....their physiques alone SCREAM Two Star. And their play just sews up my theory!
I swear to Santa Jesus himself that you could section off 10 different Div I teams in groups of the individual teams 22 starters.....all ten teams wearing the same exact uniforms....and I would bet ANYONE $1000 that just by looking at the players physique I could pick with certainty Iowa....other than King, our WR's, DB's, LB's, and DL's look no different than any FCS team....their physiques alone SCREAM Two Star!!!

Thats weird considering we have the best strength and conditioning coach in the universe... since I'm in a foul mood I'' add that I know a few athletes (one football) that told me he is a complete egotistical tool.
The change that needs to be made is a new head coach. Amazing there are still people who can't see it.

Most can see it. but as most also realize that the insane contract made that basically impossible, they dwell on changes that are possible.
I swear to Santa Jesus himself that you could section off 10 different Div I teams in groups of the individual teams 22 starters.....all ten teams wearing the same exact uniforms....and I would bet ANYONE $1000 that just by looking at the players physique I could pick with certainty Iowa....other than King, our WR's, DB's, LB's, and DL's look no different than any FCS team....their physiques alone SCREAM Two Star. And their play just sews up my theory!
I'm watching LSU and Bama now and these f#cking guys look like sasquatches compared to our little guys.
I wrote this a few weeks ago, our coaches and recruiters don't go after the big boy recruits, they are scared $hitless of them, and we will never be better when the most basic element of the game (players) are not top caliber.
I will say this over and over and over again until the masses agree with me and tell me how dead on correct I am....thus, feeding my Ferments like ego....wink. Ferments would rather coach up a bunch of Two Stars and go 10-2 and beat a Georgia Tech in an Orange Bowl, then he would win a National Championship with a a bunch of Bama 4 Stars....it feeds his ego more to hear that is was he HIMSELF responsible for the great season....NOT the players!!! He has NEVER recruited like a National Championship means two shits to him!!!
Thats weird considering we have the best strength and conditioning coach in the universe... since I'm in a foul mood I'' add that I know a few athletes (one football) that told me he is a complete egotistical tool.
I can confirm this. The dude reads his own press way too much.
Don't think people hate coach,just don't think he can put a bandaid on it and fix it.Changes need to be made but don't know if he can see it.

I hate Coach. Hate him so much I rooted for pedofiles to score more points, just to embarrass us more...... I'm sickened too
These games make it so I can hardly watch football anymore because literally every team I watch is light years ahead of us in every aspect of the game. just watch any game . major lack of athletes

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