Help a fellow fan out


I started blogging for fun about 3 weeks ago. Not doing it to earn money, not doing it to earn page clicks but rather for fun and a way to express my feelings. I recently was asked to participate in a NBA blogging competition, for 5 weeks all we can blog about is NBA stuff. I decided I would focus my posts on the Chicago Bulls. It's set up like an NCAA basketball tournament for the format. 32 bloggers battle head to head for 5 weeks, total number of unique page views each week earns you the ticket to the next round.

1st place is $500
2nd place is $250
3rd place is $100

What I need from you guys. I need you to follow me on twitter @LiveByTheBull, retweet the links to my blog I post on there or anything really. Also feel free to share the link on Facebook and any other forms of social media.

Here's what's in it for you.... If we win 1st, 2nd or 3rd I'm going to create a post on here asking how you guys would like to spend the money. We can donate it to a charity on behalf of Hawkeye Nation, we can all agree to put it in on a future bet with the Iowa Hawkeyes winning the National Championship in football or basketball, or we can divide it up equally amongst all. To be eligible all you have to do is simply follow me on twitter and retweet a link to my blog. Leave a comment in this thread with your twitter handle so I know who to include if we win.

I'll be putting links to Hawkeye Nation in various posts and tweets so that Jon gets some credit as well. You guys can view the blog here:

Be sure to click Follow at the top right.

Lastly, If you are an NBA fan or a fan of the Chicago Bulls and would like to contribute a post I would love to have you in as a guest blogger. Simply throw together a blog post on microsoft word and send it to me that'd be awesome!

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