Hawks #25 in the AP

Great publicity for recruiting. Hopefully the team can stick it to Wisconsin and come away from Purdue unscathed.
Wisconsin also moved up a spot, I believe they were previously 7th. Pretty big game tomorrow to say the least...for some reason Wisconsin opened up as a 10 point favorite. Seems pretty damn high
Wisconsin also moved up a spot, I believe they were previously 7th. Pretty big game tomorrow to say the least...for some reason Wisconsin opened up as a 10 point favorite. Seems pretty damn high

If I didn't already lose my house from following someone's advice to bet it on Alabama, I would bet it on iowa.
I hope that the cyclowns go on an extended losing streak. It would be nice to see tham off that list.

Sure ... and damage Iowa's s.o.s. right along with it. :rolleyes:

Don't be such a myopic homer. There's nothing more to gain from wishing losing upon the Clowns. In fact, if you know a little bit about today's game and appreciate fast-paced, athletic and talented teams, ISU is fun to watch.
I would ite fine with the sos dropping if that means the clowns lose it would all be worth it. Anytime the clowns lose it's a good thing.

To make up for the slight sos drop I want Iowa to win out. This would mean that Iowa makes the tournament irregardless.
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I would ite fine with the sos dropping if that means the clowns lose it would all be worth it. Anytime the clowns lose it's a good thing.

To make up for the slight sos drop I want Iowa to win out. This would mean that Iowa makes the tournament anyways.

I think you meant to say "This would mean that Iowa makes the tournament irregardless", right?
Slowly but steadily, we are climbing. If we finished the season where we are right now (ranked #25), we would be about a 6 or 7 seed. The Big 10 is not overly strong this year, so I don't see us sliding too far from where we are at. I think ISU will prove to be the best team we played all year...with UNI one of the top 3 teams we played.
Sure ... and damage Iowa's s.o.s. right along with it. :rolleyes:

Don't be such a myopic homer. There's nothing more to gain from wishing losing upon the Clowns. In fact, if you know a little bit about today's game and appreciate fast-paced, athletic and talented teams, ISU is fun to watch.

I agree watching ISU can be entertaining. Do you know a way to do that without having to have their fans involved. Players, coaches, university I wish success. Fans, ugh.

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