Have the Arguements turned into Excuses?


Well-Known Member
I think we have gotten there. This program is in absolute shambles. To argue that it is not is just a bunch of excuses. Take a look at the facts. It is time to part ways... this year. I did not think I would ever see this program where it is today. What a shame... it seems just like yesterday that I remember driving up to Iowa City to watch Horner/Brunner and company battle MSU for 1st place in the conference at the time in front of a sold out CHA. How sad....
Where have you been hiding? I don't think anyone is arguing that the program is not in shambles. It is obvious the downward slide has been going on for a while. Alford did a good job of hiding the free fall. This is the year it will hit bottom and then we build from here. The rebuilding process is already in motion with players like Gatens, Cole, May, Payne and Cougill showing some real grit and promise. I think true fans need to support the team during this rebuilding process and not just jump on the bandwagon on the way up. It is time for the Hawkeye fans to own their role in the rebuilding process by supporting the players.
Where have you been hiding? I don't think anyone is arguing that the program is not in shambles. It is obvious the downward slide has been going on for a while. Alford did a good job of hiding the free fall. This is the year it will hit bottom and then we build from here. The rebuilding process is already in motion with players like Gatens, Cole, May, Payne and Cougill showing some real grit and promise. I think true fans need to support the team during this rebuilding process and not just jump on the bandwagon on the way up. It is time for the Hawkeye fans to own their role in the rebuilding process by supporting the players.

Before this season started, I saw people claiming that we had turned the corner, that we would win in the upper teens to 20 games this year. Believe me, there were people denying that the program was in poor shape.

Please stop dragging Alford into this.
Please stop using "real fan" references.

Alford has been gone for three years, the current situation is not his mess. Regarding "real" fans, I commend those who are still going to the games. But to expect Carver to be packed under these circumstances is just ignorant. Sorry to be blunt, but I don't know how else to slice it. Wins = fan support, and vice versa. It's a fact of life when it comes to sports.
I think we have gotten there. This program is in absolute shambles. To argue that it is not is just a bunch of excuses. Take a look at the facts. It is time to part ways... this year. I did not think I would ever see this program where it is today. What a shame... it seems just like yesterday that I remember driving up to Iowa City to watch Horner/Brunner and company battle MSU for 1st place in the conference at the time in front of a sold out CHA. How sad....

Horner and Brunner teams all time overratedness right there...maybe even moreso than the ISU team the year after Fizer left...
Is anyone still seriously still blaming Alford for the state of this program?

The decline started on Alford's watch, that is undeniable. It has continued through Licks term so far. Each is responsible for their own performance while at Iowa though. Hopefully Lick can stop the bleeding next year, and we can move forward from there.

I can't speak for other posters on HN, but I don't blame Alford for Licks last 3 years. I blame Alford for his very mediocre performance when he was here for 8 years. We were sold a bill of goods, that he would take us to the promise land, to yearly sweet 16's and elite 8's, he would lead us to Big10 titles and dominance! Instead we got 3 tourney appearances with a 1-3 record in those games, while playing below .500 ball in conference. That is what I blame on Alford, his own crappy results after being promised sooooo much more.
I was not a fan of Alford, but it's not Steve's fault that Iowa chose to hire a coach with such a dramatically different playing style.

It's fairly obvious that many of the players leftover from the Alford regime weren't interested in (or capable of) playing in Todd's system. There's no blame to go around there, it was just an unforeseen situation.

Does it mean that Todd is a failure and can't win at Iowa? No, it doesn't. It means that it'll take longer to get there than most people were expecting.

It is entirely possible that Todd won't win at Iowa, but I don't think we know enough yet to make that determination. I see a group of talented, extremely young guys that can be built around, and I expect to see improvement in each of the next two seasons.

Based on what I see on the court today, my expectations would be that Iowa gets to around .500 or slightly better next year, and then to 20 wins (or so) in year 5. If Iowa fails to do either of those, then it's maybe time to start looking in another direction.

What I don't want to see is situation where the coach largely fails to live up to expectations, but continues to receive contract extensions anyway - and then ends up staying longer than he should because the school/AD doesn't want to pay the buyout.
I was not a fan of Alford, but it's not Steve's fault that Iowa chose to hire a coach with such a dramatically different playing style.

It's fairly obvious that many of the players leftover from the Alford regime weren't interested in (or capable of) playing in Todd's system. There's no blame to go around there, it was just an unforeseen situation.

Does it mean that Todd is a failure and can't win at Iowa? No, it doesn't. It means that it'll take longer to get there than most people were expecting.

It is entirely possible that Todd won't win at Iowa, but I don't think we know enough yet to make that determination. I see a group of talented, extremely young guys that can be built around, and I expect to see improvement in each of the next two seasons.

Based on what I see on the court today, my expectations would be that Iowa gets to around .500 or slightly better next year, and then to 20 wins (or so) in year 5. If Iowa fails to do either of those, then it's maybe time to start looking in another direction.

What I don't want to see is situation where the coach largely fails to live up to expectations, but continues to receive contract extensions anyway - and then ends up staying longer than he should because the school/AD doesn't want to pay the buyout.
Nice analysis. I agree with what was said here. No excuses but reasonable thoughts on the current situation.

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