Hate to say it


Active Member
but the longer this coaching search drags out the more I'm wishing we would have kept Lick...Hope I'm wrong, but this doesn't look good.
Maybe the coaches we really want to hire are still participating in post season play. We have to wait until their teams are defeated.
but the longer this coaching search drags out the more I'm wishing we would have kept Lick...Hope I'm wrong, but this doesn't look good.
Have some guts man. Our local HS coach would put in more effort to win games than Lick did. Iowa MBB will be just fine.
All I can say is, I pray that we never have to look to Barta to hire a replacement for Ferentz.
I'm sorry but for everyone going into meltdown mode because we don't have an answer after 10 days... this is kind of nuts. Do you all realize that many of the "top" names being floated are still competing at some level or have recently bowed out? I would hope that any elite coach wouldn't drop everything while prepping their team for the NCAA or other tourney action to go interview for another job. These guys are busy, and with that I'd say the longer this goes on the more hope I have that we aren't setting our sites to low... and may in fact have gained some interest from one of those elite coaches.

Time will tell... but I think it is working in our favor at this point.
All I can say is, I pray that we never have to look to Barta to hire a replacement for Ferentz.
We can hope that Ferentz steps down on his own and selects a replacement from within his staff. Unless there is an existential meltdown in U of I Football, Ferentz is on his own time.
I would rather have Barta take his time and find the right coach then make a rush to judgment and set the program back another 3 - 5 years.

I'm fine with the timetable
I would rather have Barta take his time and find the right coach then make a rush to judgment and set the program back another 3 - 5 years.

I'm fine with the timetable

The longer this takes, the more hopeful I am that we have something better waiting to exit the Tourney
The Iowa Football job is a million times more attactive then the Iowa basketball job is.
Sorry your wrong! The MBB job is open. The Football job is locked up for the foreseeable future. Add in a decent base of players and a new practice facility on the way and IMO the MBB job looks better now than when SA was here.
I honestly think this move was made for PR reasons. Lick had lost the media and fan base even though the team looked to be much improved next year.
I can't imagine we'd hire another guy who doesn't like to recruit, can't relate to players, does nothing to mobilize the fan base, plays a boring style, is too stubborn to change anything, etc., etc. Thank God that man is gone. I'm not a big Barta fan, but he earned more respect from me by ending what was a 3 year nightmare.
Okay, but if we don't; back to midmajor, so why fire Lick than to start over with another Lick?
Hopefully the new Lick:

Isn't from Indiana
Doesn't cling to "The Butler Way"
Has the capability of keeping his head out of his hands during games
Can actually own up to mistakes & limit excuses
Believes a shot-clock is a perfunctory game-rule, not a 3-point-shot-enforcer
Doesn't recruit from his gene-pool
Doesn't own or even utilize the term "Dog House"
but the longer this coaching search drags out the more I'm wishing we would have kept Lick...Hope I'm wrong, but this doesn't look good.

Have patience man!! At least 2 coaches that are considered to be on the list are still in the tournament. Barta should and needs to wait until AFTER they have been eliminated to talk to them.

but the longer this coaching search drags out the more I'm wishing we would have kept Lick...Hope I'm wrong, but this doesn't look good.

When Lickliter was fired, I was prepared for the fact that it was going to be 2-3 weeks before the new coach is announced. Coaches that we are interested in are coaching in some sort of post-season tournament, be it NIT or NCAA, which means at LEAST a week after the Lickliter firing, considering it came the Monday before post-season play started. Probably more like 2, or maybe 3 weeks. There are interviews, negotiations, etc. etc. to happen as well, which take a little time.

Give it a chance.

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