Great game...Great win


Tonight's game reminded me why I watch college football. Admittedly, the past month has been tough as a Hawkeye fan with all the off field embarrassments. But tonight reminded me why I follow a team and watch this sport as passionately as I do.
This game was awesome and was an emotional roller coaster. The Hawks came out of the box strong on the first drive, then Coker busts a big one. Then Gabbert literally picked us apart for most of the second half.
Just when we needed it most, Hyde comes through with not only a big pick, but an awesome run back for six. The D stepped up, we caught a favorable call on the overturned catch, and then we gamble on the 3rd down to seal the deal.
Great game. Great day (morning?) to be a Hawkeye. Congrats to the Insight Champions.

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