Grades from tosu


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took so long but its been a hetic last few days. Here goes guys.

125: Steel; A he is our best wrestlers and after he beats Precin on Friday he will be number 1 again.

133: Ramos; B actually a nice win for him, he did slow down a bit at the end but a very nice win for him over a quality opponent.

141: Ballweg; B another Ballweg performance, you really have to like his attitude and how much he improved.

149: Ballweg; B Matt seems to be getting comfortable with his weight he might suprise us later as the year goes on.

157: DSJ; B definately getting better. Might have been his best performance of the year thus far. Friday and Sunday will tell us a lot about him.

165: Jans; C I feel bad for him; he works his tail off and was in a position to win the match but for some reason he faided at the end. Not something I used to out of him. Sponseller is a very solid wrestler and should be a AA.

174: Lofthouse; B nice win over a higher ranked kid and eventually these east coast bias rankers will realize he is the real deal.

184: Gambrall; B Much better than against Perry

197: Lofthouse; B Very nice win for him his confidence is getting better.

Hwt: Razer; HOLY SH** what the Hell happend here!!!!! He gets a A!!!!! Great match for him if he wrestles that aggressive all the time the sky's the limit for him.

Overall this team is getting better each time out. I still don't like our chances against psu but I wouldn't trade this set of kids for any other team out there.
I'll join in the fun...

125 B+ Starting to remind me of Metcalf last year where he would seem to find himself out of position early then pour it on. Nice pin.

133 B- It's obvious that he is undersized, and don't forget that Paddock held Dennis to a 3-2 dec last year. With that said you cannot get a stall called on you in the closing seconds.

141 B Nice job getting the major, however when you get a guy in a position to be put on his back, you have to turn him.

149 B+ Nice methodical major. I see good things out of this weight. It's obvious that he was at the wrong weight a couple of years ago, and he's learned some defense.

157 B I agree, probably his best match to date. What I liked, was the look of tenacity throughout the match. Didn't seem to tire as much in the end, but needs to get aggressive and secure the major.

165 D Might seem harsh, but he dominated this match until the end. I am at point where Janssen is the man at this weight and he can do good things. Start raising the expectations young man, because you're good enough.

174 B Nice win, but didn't seem as aggressive. Almost got a nice defensive pin before the guy bailed.

184 B Again a nice job of having tenacity and staying strong the whole match. The TD call against him was one of the weakest I've seen. After that he got fired up and scored right away. Went a little conservative after that though.

197 B Good job getting the win, lets start separating ourselves.

HWT A I agree with Tobini, nice to see some offense out of the big guy. Really set the tone right out of the gate. Now lets see it against the better guys.

I think it's time to start expecting more. We have a good team and we can hang with anyone when we stay mentally tough. These guys are progressing and we will find out how we look this week.
I'll join in the fun...

125 B+ Starting to remind me of Metcalf last year where he would seem to find himself out of position early then pour it on. Nice pin.

133 B- It's obvious that he is undersized, and don't forget that Paddock held Dennis to a 3-2 dec last year. With that said you cannot get a stall called on you in the closing seconds.

141 B Nice job getting the major, however when you get a guy in a position to be put on his back, you have to turn him.

149 B+ Nice methodical major. I see good things out of this weight. It's obvious that he was at the wrong weight a couple of years ago, and he's learned some defense.

157 B I agree, probably his best match to date. What I liked, was the look of tenacity throughout the match. Didn't seem to tire as much in the end, but needs to get aggressive and secure the major.

165 D Might seem harsh, but he dominated this match until the end. I am at point where Janssen is the man at this weight and he can do good things. Start raising the expectations young man, because you're good enough.

174 B Nice win, but didn't seem as aggressive. Almost got a nice defensive pin before the guy bailed.

184 B Again a nice job of having tenacity and staying strong the whole match. The TD call against him was one of the weakest I've seen. After that he got fired up and scored right away. Went a little conservative after that though.

197 B Good job getting the win, lets start separating ourselves.

HWT A I agree with Tobini, nice to see some offense out of the big guy. Really set the tone right out of the gate. Now lets see it against the better guys.

I think it's time to start expecting more. We have a good team and we can hang with anyone when we stay mentally tough. These guys are progressing and we will find out how we look this week.

I noticed that as well. I think Grant wrestles better when he gets P***** o**
I like to grade based not only off the result and how they looked but also off who they wrestled:

125- A: The guy sucked and McD pinned him as he should.
133- B: Second or third best guy for tosu, Ramos got the win but not a big enough margin for an A.
141- B-: tosu guy was terrible and even though he got the major in the end I thought he could have gotten a pin or TF.
149- B: tosu guy was even more terrible than 141 but since Matt is considered our weakest guy I'll give a B for the major.
157- B- Nemec has just plain been not good and with the talent DSJ has he should have laid it on him a lot worse.
165- B- Sponsellar is the best guy tosu has and if not for the failed experiment to cut to 157 he would be ranked top 5 no doubt. As it was we had our #16 vs #8. Like everyone else i would have loved to pick this one up but I thought Jannsen wrestled with great effort and just came up short. No one would have dreamed of Jannsen taking this guy to OT last year or coming into this year. If anything I think it shows AJ he can compete with about anyone at the weight not named Burroughs.

174- B: Heflin is pretty good and EL got the win, more scoring would be welcome.

184- B: tosu guy was ok but more domination needed for an A.

197- B: Good win, nothing fancy.

285- B: Stolarsky was one of the worst 285s I've seen in a while and a guy the size of Blake has got to get a pin or TF.
Reminds me of having the teacher hand me my report card and telling me how good I'm doing and then telling me it's not good enough.

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