How can they spend a few million more to try a baseball player for using steroids and lying to Congress when they did nothing to William Jefferson Clinton and Charles Rangel.
Bingo! What they should be doing is going after Bud Selig. Don't tell me that he didn't know steroids were being used during the McGwire vs. Sosa home run derby. It was all fine and dandy then because it boosted ratings and baseball's popularity. How in the hell can you go back and punish a player for a rule that wasn't in place at the time? Everybody and their mom was juicing because they weren't testing for it. Complete BS if you ask me. HUGE waste of time and money
Uh..yeah, I'm aware. He wouldn't be on trial for this if they hadn't made the big fuss about steriod use. They should have just admitted that they knew it was going on, apologized for going about it the wrong way and just moved on from there. Why are some people being punished and some aren't? I feel like Bud Selig is the most guilty one of all.
Oh well.. After watching how the Barry Bonds perjury trial panned out, I'm sure Clemens would have been sentenced to something really really harsh, like a weekend of community service and a $500 fine or something like, if even convicted of anything.