Good read on Forbes @ rivals

Cool. Props to Maggard for sharing some info. Also echoes many thoughts passed around here about Forbes recently.
That Maggard sounds like he knows what he is talking about, I'm more excited about Forbes now more than ever. Maggard sounds like he needs to be on the search committe to.
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If this MM is on the level, hire this guy tomorrow....I admit I am changing my list to move Forbes up to the top based on an anonymous poster and boilers who I do trust knows his stuff. These guys are connected to the AAU scene...bring in Selby and Negedu....and those other guys down the road...whoa...Iowa bb back on the map.
+1 but I would be disappointed regardless if I read this or not, he's been my choice since this whole thing started ( next to Pearl ).
After reading about him in his bio and such he has slowly climbed to my top choice, and that read put the icing on the cake
Wow, thanks for the link. MM seems like a great source.

Quick, someone with a Rivals account direct him over here . . . . :)
That guy is an actual scout, and if he says he think Josh Shelby (one of the best PG's in the nation) would follow Forbes to Iowa, I would SO be in favor of this hire.

We desperately need a recruiter.
So he scouts scouts?
As far as I know, and I'm trying to find supporting documentation online, Marc Maggard is not the super scout he makes himself out to sound in that thread. I believe he has a small-ish scouting service trying to get scouts and recruits united. He's not as well connected as one would think reading that thread. Sure, he knows a lot of people, but I have serious questions about how strong those connections are.

That said, I definitely agree that Selby and Negedu would seriously consider Iowa if Forbes were to get the job. Selby and his mother LOVE Forbes and he would likely be a lock to go to UT if 1) it wasn't an Adidas school and 2) he believed Pearl's system would get him to the next level.
As far as I know, and I'm trying to find supporting documentation online, Marc Maggard is not the super scout he makes himself out to sound in that thread. I believe he has a small-ish scouting service trying to get scouts and recruits united. He's not as well connected as one would think reading that thread. Sure, he knows a lot of people, but I have serious questions about how strong those connections are.

That said, I definitely agree that Selby and Negedu would seriously consider Iowa if Forbes were to get the job. Selby and his mother LOVE Forbes and he would likely be a lock to go to UT if 1) it wasn't an Adidas school and 2) he believed Pearl's system would get him to the next level.

Not sure what supporting documentation you are looking for. Scouting services aren't usually online..... Most of my "online persona" is due to my UK basketball website.

I own and operate Roundball Recruiting Scouting service. I don't put scouts and recruits together.... I scout players and deal with college coaches.

I don't claim to be the most influential man in college basketball, but I know pretty much all the players and they take my phone calls......

Anyway, good luck with the coaching search.

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