Good Article on AC and his mom

Awesome article. I have never been a collectables guy. But man do I want a display case with all the Hawkeye Bowl Watches.
What a great spokesman for iowa football. Say what you want about the cabbie incident, but he owned up to it. and said he learned and became a better person from the incident. What a great family!! Best of luck to Adrian and Tracie!!
Terrific article! The t-shirt his Mom had on at the Hawkeye Huddle was SWEET! Too bad they don't sell them. They would sell a ton of those!
Between the DJK article and the AC article, I have to say, it makes me proud to not only be an Iowa fan,but a college sports fan overall. These are two feel good stories that show how college sports can be a positive factor in young peoples lives. Of course, it all starts at home with the great parenting by Tracie Clayborn and the Kolianous's.

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