Get with the times Hawkeyenation!!


Well-Known Member
Football Schedule still showing 2011. Wrestling showing 2010. Even CyFan is up to date. Chris Williams is pulling ahead of you Miller!
Not really, Sparker. I just think calling Jon D. Miller out on his own site, and telling him that his rival Chris M. Williams is "pulling ahead" is just not a way to ensure longevity here. At least not without the use of snarky little emoticons that indicate "just kidding!", anyways.
How you doing today, Sparkomatic? You feeling good, strong, compos mentis?
Nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism! I just would like to see updated rosters and schedules on this site. Sorry some times i am to assertive.
Atleast he knows the issue i have here in the site feedback section. Who knows maybe the updates will happen soon!?
Oddly enough, I was under the impression that the "Site Feedback" forum was a place where the users gave feedback to the site. I guess I was wrong.

Edit: Wow! I just wasted my 3000th post with this. I'm going to go hang my head in shame now.

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