Gee willikers!

Gee is always saying something inappropriate for a University president. I get his humor and as a Catholic I do not find offense in it at all. Just poking fun in light-hearted manner. Now to take his remarks at face, sure it is offensive,
I thought the was a funny read. And enjoyed the pun of a title.

Good breather from some of the other threads.
I'm glad ND accepted the apology. Not sue that I would be so humble. The folks at ND are smart folks who usually know what they are doing. Gee....not so much. One more reason to loathe fOSU.
This was uber laffy: "The university called the statements inappropriate and said Gee is undergoing a "remediation plan" because of the remarks."

If Gee was a real man, he would make fun of Muslims. Let's see how far he gets with that.
I'm left to wonder whether anyone in this world has a sense of humor any more.

No. Everyone is looking high and low for reasons to be "offended" because of words someone says. Unless you are male, white, or Catholic. You can say anything you want about them.
Just heard he's stepping down. It's going to suck when all the big wig jobs are full of guys just spewing out nothing but PC rhetoric. People need to lighten up and just talk trash right back to him not get their panties in a bunch.
This was uber laffy: "The university called the statements inappropriate and said Gee is undergoing a "remediation plan" because of the remarks."

If Gee was a real man, he would make fun of Muslims. Let's see how far he gets with that.

Not sure his stepping down was the "remediation plan" the University was referring to. Who's next to rock the bow tie?
Not sure his stepping down was the "remediation plan" the University was referring to. Who's next to rock the bow tie?

And he pulls down $1.9m working for a public university! What does he think he is? A football coach?