Fuller was never a Hawk


And he just proved it. I'll probably get ripped for posting this, and I understand players transfer, but what sense does it make for him to leave? He would have been the star here and a change was made coaching-wise. Sure it's a new coach whom he doesn't know well but he sounded like he was out even if Lick stayed. Good riddence to the kid. He showed his true colors.

Is this kid going to quit his first job after graduation too because he doesn't like his boss?
Is this kid going to quit his first job after graduation too because he doesn't like his boss?

I did, and it worked out real well for me. I don't think it really made me a bad person either, just one that knew I could be happier somehwere else and understood that the only one responsible for my happiness is me and the only one I have to answer to for my happiness is also me.

I'm not trying to rip on you, I get emotional about Iowa football and basketball and sometimes take it personally at first when players I like leave or make dumb decisions that hurt my team.
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And he just proved it. I'll probably get ripped for posting this, and I understand players transfer, but what sense does it make for him to leave? He would have been the star here and a change was made coaching-wise. Sure it's a new coach whom he doesn't know well but he sounded like he was out even if Lick stayed. Good riddence to the kid. He showed his true colors.

Is this kid going to quit his first job after graduation too because he doesn't like his boss?
It is his life, he should do what he needs to do to be happy. You have never walked one minute in his shoes, let alone met this kid, and you feel the need to label him. People don't stalk your life and then judge the decisions you make and label you as a person without any information, but because this kids plays basketball and you might pay for tickets or cheer really hard that gives you the right to do this about him.

We cheer for a game, a diversion from our normal life, entertainment. This is their freaking life, get a grip.
And he just proved it. I'll probably get ripped for posting this, and I understand players transfer, but what sense does it make for him to leave? He would have been the star here and a change was made coaching-wise. Sure it's a new coach whom he doesn't know well but he sounded like he was out even if Lick stayed. Good riddence to the kid. He showed his true colors.

Is this kid going to quit his first job after graduation too because he doesn't like his boss?

Come on, give him a break. The kid is from Mesa, AZ, and you think he had some undying passion for the University of Iowa like say I did growing up in Corydon, IA? He was here for 2 years, and feels he would be happier if he went closer to home. I certainly wouldn't hold that against him. I wanted to go home most of last year (I'm a soph at the UI), and home was only 2 1/2 hours away. Imagine being half the country away from home, and see how you like it. ESPECIALLY when things are going so poorly on the court.
Come on, give him a break. The kid is from Mesa, AZ, and you think he had some undying passion for the University of Iowa like say I did growing up in Corydon, IA? He was here for 2 years, and feels he would be happier if he went closer to home. I certainly wouldn't hold that against him. I wanted to go home most of last year (I'm a soph at the UI), and home was only 2 1/2 hours away. Imagine being half the country away from home, and see how you like it. ESPECIALLY when things are going so poorly on the court.
He visted here. He committed here. Now he walks.
He visted here. He committed here. Now he walks.

Yeah? And he can't change his mind? Ever? STFU. Kids that are that far from home tend to have second thoughts. I know I would. If you want to take pot shots at him, go ahead. But then don't come crying when recruits start looking at our fanbase and say "no thanks, that's the least appreciative bunch of a**holes i've ever seen".
Come on, give him a break. The kid is from Mesa, AZ, and you think he had some undying passion for the University of Iowa like say I did growing up in Corydon, IA? He was here for 2 years, and feels he would be happier if he went closer to home. I certainly wouldn't hold that against him. I wanted to go home most of last year (I'm a soph at the UI), and home was only 2 1/2 hours away. Imagine being half the country away from home, and see how you like it. ESPECIALLY when things are going so poorly on the court.

Things went poorly on the court?
As fans, we just went through the worst three year stretch ever. As a player, he was a part of two of those years, and last year was the worst season of all time.

He has a transfer year still available to him. I cannot fault him at all for wanting to leave.
Crazy to say he was never a Hawk. See Jon's post above. Plus there was obviously little, if any, coach-player relationships and there have been rumors of cliques on the team which is quite "natural" for losing teams.

When that mental/emotional detachment is made on a team (or job, business, church, spouse, etc) it's extremely difficult to restart that relationship. Divorce is the most likely action.

Just because Fuller 'divorced' Iowa, doesn't mean he didn't 'love' Iowa or was never a Hawk.

I don't blame Fuller at all.

Move along and get on with fandom.
I really felt like both he and Matt were just kinda mailing it in the last 1/3 of the season. It has to wear on you...all the losing and negative publicity. Weather in this country compared to Arizona...wish him well.
OK. I'm going to rip you. What you said is one of the most idiotic things ever said on this board. I appreciate the passion, but the way you are showing it is just unacceptable.

The analogy to leaving a job fits here. If you were supremely talented, languished for 2 years at a company who had trouble meeting payroll, regularly got slammed in the papers, and whos top talent year after year left, and who regularly changed CEO's... would you stay?

To say "He's not a hawk" because he's transferring or somehow didn't meet your expectations as a fan is pretty laughable.
And he just proved it. I'll probably get ripped for posting this, and I understand players transfer, but what sense does it make for him to leave? He would have been the star here and a change was made coaching-wise. Sure it's a new coach whom he doesn't know well but he sounded like he was out even if Lick stayed. Good riddence to the kid. He showed his true colors.

Is this kid going to quit his first job after graduation too because he doesn't like his boss?

What a crock.

I love how people like to say "We only want players who WANT to be Hawks" or "They aren't Hawkeyes", or how selfish they are, etc. etc. when someone transfers. It's like you guys are implying that we're better off without them if someone leaves as a way of avoiding the fact that Fuller's loss will hurt us.

If Fuller didn't want to be a Hawk, then why did he come half-way across the country to play for us for two years?

I thought it was all of Lickliter's recruits who "wanted to be Hawks", and it was all of Alford's players that were the problem?

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