Full cost scholarships are on the way


Well-Known Member
If Jim Delany is on board this will get done and yes it is the right thing to do.

Based on comments made this week, and Thursday's evidence that these things really can come to fruition, we should expect major changes in three other areas over the next six to nine months:

Allowing individual conferences, if they so choose, to implement full cost-of-attendance scholarships (as Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany first pushed for last spring) and/or multiyear scholarships. The obvious implication is that only the richest conferences could afford to do so, which in traditional NCAA parlance represents dreaded "competitive equity" issues. But the presidents seem to be lock-step with the commissioners in believing said imbalance already exists.

Read more: NCAA's APR ruling surprisingly timely and smart - Stewart Mandel - SI.com
I can't believe so many poor, poor athletes have gotten by this long without these. This'll be awesome. Think of all the extra gold chains and tattoos players will be able to get now.
So, what's the difference between a 'full cost' scholarship and what they get now? And how much does that add up to for every athlete a school has (because I can't see them getting away with offering this to only football & basketball players)?

Either way, this won't stop the boosters and so on.
Education, Room, Food, Future(if you wish to make one)= well over$ 20,000 a year thats good enough,to play a sport.
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let them apply for student aid like the rest of the students. I don't see why they should get extra money on top of what they already get. Don't forget that they get all their meals paid for plust I am pretty sure they get a monthly stipend.

Plus, it will really hurt the schools with smaller athletic budgets because they won't be able to offer it, and like someone said it won't stop boosters from offering money and it won't stop kids from taking it.
This is kind of bullcrap, but as a fan of BCS conference team this is AWESOME. This puts more distance between the Have and Have Nots. Nobody's going to ever go to a school that doesn't offer this, we will never lose a recruiting battle in bball recruit to freaking central florida again. I don't agree with it, but it only helps us, that's why Delaney is pushing it.
I can't believe so many poor, poor athletes have gotten by this long without these. This'll be awesome. Think of all the extra gold chains and tattoos players will be able to get now.

Actually before Title 9 became law football players (I'm not sure about other sports) were paid a stipend. This is just restoring the natural order of CFB. With multi-billions of dollars flowing into college athletics everyone is getting rich but the players and they deserve better.
"Full cost" scholarships are going to be tough to implement when Title IX forces you to pay the women, too.
Not sure they deserve "better."

If a kid goes to a BCS school, state or private, how much is that education worth? $150,000 for 5 years at a state school? And much more at a private school. AND that sum might only be tuition at some schools.

They get their education paid for, free room and board, free, basically private tutors plus they get to travel.

So if one were to determine what these athletes are truly paid over the course of 5 years, we are talking about paying athletes hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Not bad pay for playing football or bb or any other minor sport. Not bad at all. I wish I would have been treated so badly when I was in college.
Not bad pay for playing football or bb or any other minor sport. Not bad at all. I wish I would have been treated so badly when I was in college.

Says the guy who never had the makings of a HS varsity athlete let alone college.
Not sure they deserve "better."

If a kid goes to a BCS school, state or private, how much is that education worth? $150,000 for 5 years at a state school? And much more at a private school. AND that sum might only be tuition at some schools.

They get their education paid for, free room and board, free, basically private tutors plus they get to travel.

So if one were to determine what these athletes are truly paid over the course of 5 years, we are talking about paying athletes hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Not bad pay for playing football or bb or any other minor sport. Not bad at all. I wish I would have been treated so badly when I was in college.

So these kids, who would be being paid entirely out the money their activities earn, don't deserve it?

Where should the money earned by the football team be spent?
Well, I got a full ride to college, but it was for my cello playing abilities. Of course, we cellists had the pressure of being big men on campus, as well as the University making huge jack off of our concerts and not giving us a dime.
These guys get a full ride, training table, clothes and shoes, and around $500 a month or so right now the way it is. They don't need anymore.
They should put some stipulations on it like requiring a 3.0 GPA or higher, or requiring the athlete to stay in the school at least 4 years and graduate. Their should be no "free" rides unless you earn it.

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