Fran's Expectations for this team


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many Big 10 games Fran thinks this team can win. If he would answer that question honestly, I wonder what he would say.

9-9, 10-8, 11-7, 12,6.

I think that Fran believes this team can be 10-8, but is hopeful for something great this year.
I don't think most coaches make record projections, or even judge their team solely on record after the end of the season. Most people who have played sports in a solid program have gotten their butts chewed after a win at some point. I think Fran expects the guys to go at maximum effort, and he probably hasn't even thought about what their record 'should' be.

If they do finish 10-8, though, I'm sure he'll be pleased with the effort and the progress.

Aside: After watching yesterday's replay of the Iowa-Indiana game at Carver last year and watching about five minutes of Indiana's game today, I've decided I really want to see the Hawks give those toolbags an 0-1 start to the conference this year. It'll be a tall task, but those guys (esp. Hulls, Sheehey, and Oladipo) annoy me.
I wonder what Fran's expectations of Egyptian sovereignty are.

I think that Fran believes constitutionalism is within reach, but is hopeful for judicial oversight.
What you think?VERY STUPID THREAD , OF COURSE HE WANTED US TO LOSE OR WHAT?sorry i hit cap lock by accident!

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