Forum Functionality: Some things missing, will return


We had to disable a few things during the migration as they were 'breaking' the boards...we'll be figuring those workarounds out today and be returning some navigate headers and such as the day goes along.. Thanks for your patience.
So far it looks fine. Less side adds which is kind of good.
Will we be able to "like" again?

I hope so as I 'like' that too...the reason it was taken down was a security exploit with the plugin that allowed it...I will check to see if we are comfortable bringing that back or if it has been secured.
I can't see any ads, why can't I see any ads? there is just one tiny one at the bottom from ad choices, i miss the old setup with giant banks of ads.
Jon, I've noticed three issues so far. See attached pictures. I've seen each of these problems on both Opera and Google Chrome (with a cleared cache) on Windows 8.1.

1. The font that is being used makes the lower-case "c" look like an "o" sometimes.


2. For threads with multiple pages, the page numbers are displayed in gold on a grey background, which makes them difficult to read.


3. Embedded tweets don't seem to be displaying correctly.


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