Former Hawk Panel Discussion Thursday at Kinnick - Open to Public


Former Hawkeye Football Players To Return For A “Back in Black and Gold” Panel Discussion On Sept. 8

Five former Hawkeye Football Players will return for a “Back in Black and Gold” panel discussion to share highlights from their time on the field against Iowa State and at Homecoming games.

The event is part of the Beat State Week programming leading up to the game against Iowa’s in state rivals, the Iowa State Cyclones. Beat State Week is the annual tradition put together by The University of Iowa Alumni Association and Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow to get Iowa students, alumni and fans pumped up for the big game.

Former Hawkeye quarterback Chuck Hartlieb (1984-1988) will host the panel featuring offensive line Julian Vandervelde (2007-2010), linebacker Mike Humpal (2003-2007), tight end Allen Reisner (2007-2011), and 2008 Big Ten’s Defensive Lineman of the Year Mitch King (2004-2008).

Those who cannot attend the event will get a chance to participate by watching the live stream on the Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Facebook page and by asking questions for the panel via Twitter using the hashtag #BackinBlackandGold.

After the discussion, guests will have a chance to stick around and meet with the players, mingle, and get their favorite memorabilia signed. While the event is open to the general public, it is restricted to 18+ as adult beverages will be available at the cash bar for individuals 21 and older.

Beat State Week continues on Friday, Sept. 9 with the 4th Annual Beat State Pep Rally on the Pentacrest. This event hosted by Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow will feature the Iowa ROTC, the UI marching band, cheer squad, Herky, and other special guests.

The Pep Rally—open to the general public—will begin at 6:30 p.m. with the corn-on-the-cob eating contest followed by a concert put on by KRUI, immediately after the event at 7:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring a non-perishable item to support the Johnson County Food Pantry—the Iowa ROTC is competing with the Iowa State ROTC to see how much food it can collect.

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