Football Rumors


I hear what is being said out there by the Hawkeye Nation. I see the tweets, I get the emails. Someone told me last night that they wanted to hear from me that things were going to be OK. I just don't have enough information on all of this, or information that I trust, to form an opinion right now.

The impression I get is very, very little of substance is being passed around and this thing is taking on our own version of the Salem Witch Hunt.

There could be other shoes to drop, then again, perhaps not. Most people are going on 300th hand info right now, IMO. That's not to say that some people might not wind up having something right here or there.

It's just that the amplification effect has already hit with this stuff, and its to the point of the worst game of telephone I have ever seen.

People that I am talking with at Iowa are hopeful this stuff is mostly isolated, hopeful being the key word.

I think some logical questions were raised shortly after the DJK arrest, but I think those logical hypotheses have mutated in unfair ways.

We all want to know about the future of this program, immediate and long term, and when hard news becomes available, or things I place a great deal of trust in, enough to report it, we'll do it and we'll talk about it.

But this rampant witch hunt stuff is not only disappointing, it's just not something that is fair to people that have done what they should be doing.

Right now, given all of the back chatter, telephone rumor spreading, etc, its tough to know who is what or what is who, which is the point in time to remind everyone of what we do and do not allow.

If a player makes a facebook or twitter post, and you are certain its their account, that can be posted.

But posting some random person's twitter page (as has been done numerous times in the last 12 hours) saying 'I am hearing x,y,z', its probably an 80% or higher chance that person is just playing telephone. Don't post it here.

I'm not trying to sit on anything, I am not trying to wave any university banner.

It's what seems most fair to me, because if past is prologue, there are a lot of these rumor posts that are going to be false, even if some are true...and I would rather see innocent people and their reputations protected at the risk of not allowing the rumors that may turn out to be true.

ADDITION: Here is an example of a post I just deleted, of what I find to be disgusting. I have redacted the specifically cited players and the town.

"Wouldn't surprise me about X and Y....they've been seen (TOWN) hanging with a dude who likes to hit the nose candy."

This sort of posting will not be allowed. There are several posts like this that I am removing as I see them. So for those that are saying I am too heavy handed, etc, most of you are not seeing some of the garbage that I am removing instantly. And stuff like this is pure garbage.
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Agreed. If and when something happens, there will be plenty of time to discuss things then. No need to throw anyone under the bus based on "I thought that I heard that she might have said" type of information.
Well said and good move.

I think when all is said and done, the saying "nothing is ever as good or bad as it seems" will apply.
It's not as though things cannot be discussed. Maroons19 had an interesting post. I am not saying I agree or disagree, but its an example of discussion without people being marred.
I hear what is being said out there by the Hawkeye Nation. I see the tweets, I get the emails. Someone told me last night that they wanted to hear from me that things were going to be OK. I just don't have enough information on all of this, or information that I trust, to form an opinion right now.

The impression I get is very, very little of substance is being passed around and this thing is taking on our own version of the Salem Witch Hunt.

There could be other shoes to drop, then again, perhaps not. Most people are going on 300th hand info right now, IMO. That's not to say that some people might not wind up having something right here or there.

It's just that the amplification effect has already hit with this stuff, and its to the point of the worst game of telephone I have ever seen.

People that I am talking with at Iowa are hopeful this stuff is mostly isolated, hopeful being the key word.

I think some logical questions were raised shortly after the DJK arrest, but I think those logical hypotheses have mutated in unfair ways.

We all want to know about the future of this program, immediate and long term, and when hard news becomes available, or things I place a great deal of trust in, enough to report it, we'll do it and we'll talk about it.

But this rampant witch hunt stuff is not only disappointing, it's just not something that is fair to people that have done what they should be doing.

Right now, given all of the back chatter, telephone rumor spreading, etc, its tough to know who is what or what is who, which is the point in time to remind everyone of what we do and do not allow.

If a player makes a facebook or twitter post, and you are certain its their account, that can be posted.

But posting some random person's twitter page (as has been done numerous times in the last 12 hours) saying 'I am hearing x,y,z', its probably an 80% or higher chance that person is just playing telephone. Don't post it here.

I'm not trying to sit on anything, I am not trying to wave any university banner.

It's what seems most fair to me, because if past is prologue, there are a lot of these rumor posts that are going to be false, even if some are true...and I would rather see innocent people and their reputations protected at the risk of not allowing the rumors that may turn out to be true.

When is the next Ferentz press conference? Considering the game is only a couple of weeks away, I'm assuming he'll have one before they head to Arizona.
When is the next Ferentz press conference? Considering the game is only a couple of weeks away, I'm assuming he'll have one before they head to Arizona.

I can't recall for sure, but I don't know that Kirk will have an IC based presser before going to AZ. They will probably head to AZ sometime next week
I can't recall for sure, but I don't know that Kirk will have an IC based presser before going to AZ. They will probably head to AZ sometime next week

If there were any suspensions or anything to that matter pertaining to the team that will be traveling to Arizona, would he address the media on that before they left? Or what would it take for him to have a press conference that wasn't normally supposed to happen?
I think it would behoove the program to do some damage control if at all possible.

I dont disagree with this.

But there are aspects to that which are probably not cut and dried in the event there are one or more other issues. Privacy stuff, etc.
So one week from today. I doubt there will be an Iowa City based Press Conference before then.

Is there a Hawkeyenation radio show followed by the Bowl Edition Carlos O'Kelly's Stroke the Coach's Ego call in show this Wednesday? Because if IIRC they've had the Coach's call in show around this time during bowl seasons.
Random. In retrospect, the 10 year contract extension before the year was a bad move. Not that I dont want KF coaching for the next 10(I do), but the timing was BAD. IMO
What's hilarious to me is how much this stuff heats up at 10, 11 at night-- last night being the prime example. If you were on here around midnight you would have thought we were playing all walk-ons in the Insight Bowl. Then we wake up, supposedly the morning after X and Y were kicked off the team, and there's no verifiable evidence of anything.

I don't doubt that there will be more fallout. I just have a hard time believing that player X and player Y supposedly were kicked off the team late Sunday night and then have nothing to say about it the following morning. I think that says much more about fans and their Sunday night message board habits than it does about what's actually going on.
What I find funny is that for people that aren't on the message boards and live outside the state of Iowa, this whole thing is essentially a non-issue.
What I find funny is that for people that aren't on the message boards and live outside the state of Iowa, this whole thing is essentially a non-issue.

Well either we've all lost our minds and have NO sense of reality, or "ignorance is bliss". Pick one, and we'll see in a few hours which is the right answer.
Saw on that Keenan posted on his FB: Message Boards Lie.....STOP READING THEM!!!

Derby replied to it pretty much agreeing with him and saying the rumor mongers have no clue what they are talking about. I can't wait until this press release is out and we can hopefully move on.