Ferentz Radio Show Highlights (injured players)

No mention of Wolfgang invoking his inner "Chris Myers"...loved that Kirk not only got the joke but questioned Myers' question!
It was a nice night and good shows. Once again a caller called in to thank Kirk for doing something extra special for a person that passed away recently and how much it meant to that person and the family.... That just tears me up, he is a fantastic coach and a better person.........
It was a nice night and good shows. Once again a caller called in to thank Kirk for doing something extra special for a person that passed away recently and how much it meant to that person and the family.... That just tears me up, he is a fantastic coach and a better person.........

And he does these things without drawing any fanfare to it...I am guessing he does something along these lines every day...hand written notes, phone calls, hospital visits. Good people
What happened to you Jon ? Did you hang up on them haha.... I think they lost you, maybe you got busy? I know I got young kids too lol!

You are talking about the WHO show before Kirk's show...for some reason we had issues with me and Jim both on phones tonight.
Kirk Ferentz definitely lives by the creed that discretion is the better part of valor.
Man why do I always forget about the Wednesday night shows. Do they podcast this anywhere?
Kirk Ferentz definitely lives by the creed that discretion is the better part of valor.

agreed. some of those calls makes you wonder.....one guy who calls in, congrats on his tenure, 'even though the first couple years were rocky'...you know, can't you just congratulate someone without bringing up a negative point.....
agreed. some of those calls makes you wonder.....one guy who calls in, congrats on his tenure, 'even though the first couple years were rocky'...you know, can't you just congratulate someone without bringing up a negative point.....

Agreed...I'm waiting for some idiot to call sometime and say "Kurt", you've been doing a great job the past few years and I'm glad they didn't fire you even though I thought they should have, after the Jake Christensen "experiment"...
Agreed...I'm waiting for some idiot to call sometime and say "Kurt", you've been doing a great job the past few years and I'm glad they didn't fire you even though I thought they should have, after the Jake Christensen "experiment"...

you know what gets to me shane - and i've not said anything about it to anyone (like who would I say it to anyway, i guess) but you know who constantly refers to KF as 'kurt'? Jim Walden. Even when he had him on the Jim and Jim show last Sunday, I heard "kurt'. i'm thinking WTF does the guy not know his name, not realize he is saying it, or intentionally trying to be a *******. I'm guessing not #3, but who knows. I wish someone would fill him in.
Agreed...I'm waiting for some idiot to call sometime and say "Kurt", you've been doing a great job the past few years and I'm glad they didn't fire you even though I thought they should have, after the Jake Christensen "experiment"...

Fair share of idiots.. heard two callers... one asked if they wouldn't let Vandenberg throw because the coaches were afraid he would show that he is better than Stanzi, and another person asked why he didn't challenge Sandemans fumble (because we were up 30, and he wasn't down)

Ferentz is a patient man to deal with some of these questions.. have to admit.. the Chris Myers question cracked me up!
you know what gets to me shane - and i've not said anything about it to anyone (like who would I say it to anyway, i guess) but you know who constantly refers to KF as 'kurt'? Jim Walden. Even when he had him on the Jim and Jim show last Sunday, I heard "kurt'. i'm thinking WTF does the guy not know his name, not realize he is saying it, or intentionally trying to be a *******. I'm guessing not #3, but who knows. I wish someone would fill him in.

Walden just seems to be not very good with names...reminds me of my dad, who to this day still calls Chuck Hartlieb, "Chuck Hartley"...annoys the hell out of me!
Fair share of idiots.. heard two callers... one asked if they wouldn't let Vandenberg throw because the coaches were afraid he would show that he is better than Stanzi, and another person asked why he didn't challenge Sandemans fumble (because we were up 30, and he wasn't down)

Ferentz is a patient man to deal with some of these questions.. have to admit.. the Chris Myers question cracked me up!

I'm starting to think Clone fans get in the rotation just to make Iowa fans look stupid sometimes...not saying it's true in EVERY case, but some definitely make me wonder!
It's only for an hour a week...I know of a show where more patience is required...and doesn't always hold out ;)

I, quite honestly, don't know how you do it Jon. You're a better man than I, as there are times I find myself screaming at the radio as I listen to these morons on my way home from the game. I swear that there are people who call in to Sound Off that have never watched a down of football in their lives.
It's only for an hour a week...I know of a show where more patience is required...and doesn't always hold out ;)

Shameless...plug...coming! Can't...resist!

SOUNDOFF! (radio version) Immediately following the Iowa post game show on 1040WHO and whoradio.com on the web! With the Legendary Jim Zabel and our very own, Jon Miller! And calls from YOU, the great drunken hoards making their way back on I-80 or sitting in small town bars and the tweekers in meth labs across this great state of Iowa!

Where else are you gonna hear Jon say, "Let's go to Jerry in Montezuma, Jerry, you're on the air...what say you?"

Jerry: Am I, am I on? Yeah...this is Jerry in Montezuma...