Ferentz Live Presser Blog (FINISHED)


Kirk Ferentz will begin his weekly press conference shortly. I will be typing what he says as he says it. Once you see a second post in this thread, you will know it has begun. Keep hitting refresh every minute or so after it has begun to see new comments. There will be typos in this and broken grammar, as I am trying to keep up with Kirk's comments as he says them..so please forgive me ;) Also, please do not comment or reply to this thread until you the headline changed to (FINISHED)
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Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Bullock doubtful...Garmon better chance see next few days....have to plan as if both not there, good shape health wise other than that
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

CMU...coming off bye week, can't rememeber too many like that early in season....veteran up front, big strong backs. QB had tough outing vs MSU...career wise, veteran, expect him to play well..has had 10 300-yard or more games as starter. Defense, diff challenge, they are different than any team we have faced this year..very aggressive, good players...aggressive scheme...week where we have to be on point to have any success. They have a lot of good players, OLB, S good players...S, #4 is engergizer
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Bullock, is procedure tests this week before cleared, elaborate

I am guessing go online and see protocol..out of our hands, medical staff decision when he returns. We are optimistic, doing well, great attitude but won't be on field til more than safe

How encrouaged by his play?

It is a story, he is a really young player and in third game he looked good. OPlaying very well, more decisively, more confident...just like team. Encouraging til he got knocked out of game...hope back quick and build on that. Opened up opportuniuties for others..happy way garmon stepped in, not overwhelmed
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)


He is working back...he will work more this week than last, see how things go..moving along a lot faster than I would have ever guessed...everyone is different..he has been cleared medically..now if he looks good enough or confident enough to play.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Weisman, extended carries?

Had worked him last week with that in mind..he contrasts other guys we have. Would he be our go to guy? Time would tell..he showed he can do some things out there competitively...diff tempo running it..place for everything in football. No choice Saturday...u never know til they perform...hardly out of the woods yet, just one performance...
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

If you have three WR set, he is back in pass, cant assume he can just block

He and Brad are different in that...going back to Jeremy Allen being last expection to the rule...most of our FB's are frustrated MLB's...They are different and that is good
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Struggles on offense until Sat, Weisman knocking ppl down up middle, boost offense?

We ran the ball well the first week. Damon was running well Saturday..all kinds of styles of backs but gives us a contract...another pitch in repetoire...Stanford..Gephardt...Shonn Greene kind of runner..Mark is not Shonn, but physical Room for everyone
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Norm Granger great running fullback...

I said that post game with Gary and Ed. Norm had as good of ball skills of any FB I had...he wouldn't block anyone...PSU 1983, screens, he was a big part of that thing. He would tell you that too, that he was productive. Right off the bat. He returned kicks, too...that position has changed thrugh the years. Last decade FB has been glorified guard.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

How feel OL growth

Progressing. Grew on Saturday. Encouraging. Lot of work to do. Like our team, we took steps but lot of work to do. Thought we did some thigs better, and things in practice showed up Saturday which is good. Guys worked at it and took it to the games
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)


He would have played Sat, but got sick last Tuesday. Those things are 24 hours usually, but that lingered. Worried apendicitis...but its clear, he will be ready to go

If it came to a third back

It would be Brad. Next man in

Andre Dawson

Probably not right now. He is practicing..doing a good job..complicated...he received a scholarship, and if he played he would forfeit it...not an athletic scholarship.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Conor Kornbrath

One good, one bad. But he didn't look like he was going to cry after the bad one. All time worst punt..Ft Cherry, 9th grade...Tony Pruner kicked a punt negative yards. First one was really good, high, good coverage. That second one..that is part of ups and downs and we knew that coming in.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Hitchens LB always looking to knockout?

I don't know if that is fair. He is doing a good job. That is how our team is...Morris is really seasoned. I feel funny saying that, guy plauyed two years and three games, but James last spring, he and Mike Meyer just elevated their level of confidnece and that comes from playing and working hard and doing good things. he is on one tier and we need him there, Kirksey just behind him and Hitch feeling his way around...he is third in race as inexperienced. things dont happen quite as quick for him. Lot of guys like that running that race.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

He had near FF

That is what LB's do...he had a couple plays he'd like to have back, too. They all do.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Two months into new practice facility, how much concern thatprogram was falling behind

Absolutely. I am at fault there, because I tend to focus more on people than things. I will take bullet on that, I should have advoicated for that further back. Players are impressed by facilities, unifprm changes...that would enhance our image with some players if we changed uniforms each week....it is a first class facility. I don't mind going in there and I hated going in the bubble.. We go in there on SUndys and Fridays. It has air and everything..air you can breathe, that is
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Why kids like uni changes?

If I understood it I would be younger. But they do, nearly unanimously. When I was in NFL, I wondered why people bought all that stuff...the games are secondary to sell all that stuff
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

DL development, Reese Morgan work and other changes

That group was as young as any. That and WR group...least experienced at least. Joe Gaglione and Bigach senior starters...very little experience..playing well. Whole group worked hard in spring, progress...not there yet. Reese is an excellent fundamentalist and teacher, we have all seen that. Making progress...LTP, don't hear much about him, doing a lot of grunt work. First start three weeks ago. Cooper RS frosh, first time every played..not biggest but doing things in there...Davis gaining confidence. Like entire team, lot of things that we will improve weekly and I am excieted we can get a lot better. Made strides last week.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Trying to throw backshoulder throw?

that is part of offensive football...depending on how guys are playing or their route.
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

Facility, discussion bubble outlived usefulness, and naked eye couldnt tell..what was it about it

That was not driving force...now that its down, it wasn't aesthetically pleasing. What do you do with that? I don't know where it is now. If this wasn't college football it would be OK...lot of pro teams have those..they serve purpose...for me, outside you couldnt go in there in the summer, it was restrictive because of height..couldnt film without lifts...wasn't big enough for college football...pros have them but they are not recruiting, either
Re: Ferentz Live Presser Blog (IN PROGRESS)

CJ, next Gronk...doing enough?

I have read a lot of articles, people quick to compare guys to guys..I like things to unfold..easy to make compariusons but players need to have theier careers, allowed to play, have ups and downs..that happens. I think he has progressed and played well Saturday and smarter than week before..didn't leave his feet when he had ball..he is learning. The amount of plays so far in his career, not many. I think speciulaton of him being drafted this year, premature...lets let him have a great year and will see where we are at at end of year. Nothing else to write about, so it gets written about. We think he can have good career, but he hasn't played much more than Bullock. on right path

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