

Well-Known Member
CAN THE FANS WHO GO TO THE GAMES, AT LEAST STAND UP DURING THE PLAYING OF THE FIGHT SONG????? You may not be a supporter of the team, but when you are at the game, at least support the school and stand up during the playing of the fight song. Pathetic.
Begger's can't be choosers. When you have to bribe people with free tickets, hotdogs, ect. just to get them to show up what do you expect ?
CAN THE FANS WHO GO TO THE GAMES, AT LEAST STAND UP DURING THE PLAYING OF THE FIGHT SONG????? You may not be a supporter of the team, but when you are at the game, at least support the school and stand up during the playing of the fight song. Pathetic.
Well, our entire row, all four of us, do stand. Interesting note, when members of the men's team attend women's games, they don't stand for the fight song either.
Just be thankful there are any fans there let alone getting on them for not standing during the fight song. That being said I do stand when the fight song is played.
well good for those of you who stand. From my perspective watching the game last night on T.V, little to no people were standing. Why even go to the game if you aren't going to be involved?
CAN THE FANS WHO GO TO THE GAMES, AT LEAST STAND UP DURING THE PLAYING OF THE FIGHT SONG????? You may not be a supporter of the team, but when you are at the game, at least support the school and stand up during the playing of the fight song. Pathetic.

This tradition is gradually being lost at the high school level. I think there are folks out there that don't understand its proper etiquette. Much like standing when the colors are being presented before the National Anthem.
This tradition is gradually being lost at the high school level. I think there are folks out there that don't understand its proper etiquette. Much like standing when the colors are being presented before the National Anthem.

Or like men removing their hat or cap during the anthem?
there is very little crowd interaction aside from the student section (which often is sparse anyway)...a simple 'defense' or 'lets go hawks' chant from everyone in the arena really can go a long way..but it doesn't
When there are only 3,000 people in a 15,500 seat arena it is like people yelling in a large cave. I feel bad for the team but Lick should take a hint...

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