Expansion Projects?


Well-Known Member
:confused::confused:What kind of football expansion projects do we have planned in the future. At one time I thought they were talking about a new practice facility to replace the bubble, is this still going to happen?
Had an interesting conversation with someone in the athletic department a couple of weeks ago.

Football Practice Facility- As of April they had about 14 million dollars raised for the project. They have about 10 different renderings for the new practice facility ranging in cost from 25-40 million. The money has been raised by the football coaches/athletic administration staff. The main reason we haven't heard a lot of public comments about the project is they do not want to take away from the Carver project. The renderings show the new facility located where the current practice fields are currently located. They facility would stretch west and take over the old field hockey (current hawkeye village) facility.

I'm guessing the old bubble would become a parking lot for the hospital.

Maybe the baseball program would take over the vacant football offices once they move into their new facility.

Also the Men's Golf team is fundraising for a new indoor practice facility at Finkbine.