ESPN replacing the NCAA


Well-Known Member
It is common knowledge that ESPN is influencing college football to form Mega Conferences, which will form leagues of unidentifiable teams. The move away from the NCAA is set in motion. It will be ESPN. Or some form of ESPNCAA... My question is, what will become of all the cheaters? One would have to assume that cheating will go out the window. As in the word will no longer exist... Would ESPN punish Alambama with massive penalties it deserves for being caught cheating and severely lessen their product? The NCAA barely does this now. My guess is that it will become pure business. It is becoming that now with all of the greedy ADs and conference commissioners...

Once a pure business model is established, the universities will have FAR less influence themselves. The natural progression would be to move them away from the university control. It already has begun... Greed and the once mighty dollar seem to have taken over. With the NCAA out of the picture, it will become ESPN controlled. Then what?
I've wondered to what extent ESPN has a vested interest in keeping schools out of trouble. And how far they'd go to protect their interests.
The Big Ten is setting this all in motion. I thought ESPN was biased against the Big Ten.....

ESPN is biased against the B10. That's the only reason the SEC and the other major conferences are so much better in football. It has nothing to do with coaches, players, etc.

I even heard that once ESPN takes over for the NCAA they plan to torch every B10 institution. Word has it that's why BB left Wisconsin. He knows ESPN's evil plans.

I'm starting to wonder if Paterno actually died of natural causes...
It is common knowledge that ESPN is influencing college football to form Mega Conferences, which will form leagues of unidentifiable teams. The move away from the NCAA is set in motion. It will be ESPN. Or some form of ESPNCAA... My question is, what will become of all the cheaters? One would have to assume that cheating will go out the window. As in the word will no longer exist... Would ESPN punish Alambama with massive penalties it deserves for being caught cheating and severely lessen their product? The NCAA barely does this now. My guess is that it will become pure business. It is becoming that now with all of the greedy ADs and conference commissioners...

Once a pure business model is established, the universities will have FAR less influence themselves. The natural progression would be to move them away from the university control. It already has begun... Greed and the once mighty dollar seem to have taken over. With the NCAA out of the picture, it will become ESPN controlled. Then what?

I could see certain aspects of this coming to fruition. Interesting to contemplate the possibilities.
I could see certain aspects of this coming to fruition. Interesting to contemplate the possibilities.

Over a year ago Boston College's AD was quoted that ESPN was telling him what teams to add to the ACC. Interestingly enough, I heard that on ESPN radio. Later, Gene DeFilippo had to apologize & say it wasn't true. Yeah, right. Why would he say he was told what to do, and then say "I'm sorry, I was lying". Whatevs, the NCAA won't be around much longer. It will be the Big 4 and Iowa will be lost in mix of a 22 team conference, just as it has been foreseen...

ESPN does own all the Bowl contracts but maybe two. I am sure they have their voices heard in every league's head office, or at least the have a vote.
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ESPN has no interest in replacing the NCAA because they cover ALL sports, college and professional. Why would ESPN want to spend all the time and effort to run an entire amatuer based division of sports made up of 18-24 year olds? Money? Sure but then they have to pay all the administrators to run it, ESPN would have to handle very single aspect and where does the additional income come from?

They make too much money now, replacing the NCAA would cost way too much and be a huge hassle. Plus then the other professional leagues could come together and start their own networks, would simple by merging all the leagues together. Ok not simple but just as easy as ESPN replacing the NCAA.

NCAA being replaced by ESPN makes no sense.
ESPN has no interest in replacing the NCAA because they cover ALL sports, college and professional. Why would ESPN want to spend all the time and effort to run an entire amatuer based division of sports made up of 18-24 year olds? Money? Sure but then they have to pay all the administrators to run it, ESPN would have to handle very single aspect and where does the additional income come from?

They make too much money now, replacing the NCAA would cost way too much and be a huge hassle. Plus then the other professional leagues could come together and start their own networks, would simple by merging all the leagues together. Ok not simple but just as easy as ESPN replacing the NCAA.

NCAA being replaced by ESPN makes no sense.

Are you being sarcastic, or just naive? The OP is certainly reiterating, the nascent thoughts of many others, who are certainly in the know.
Are you being sarcastic, or just naive? The OP is certainly reiterating, the nascent thoughts of many others, who are certainly in the know.

If this happens, I will eat crow but I am 99% sure that was all b.s.

Naive or just think this is seriously another stupid conspiracy theory.

ESPN isn't driving or influencing mega conferences, many, many ESPN analysts have stated it would ruin college sports. Why punch a gift horse in the mouth?

ESPN loves the talk because people love it or hate it. Either way, they are glued to ESPN or on to see what is going to happen next. It's all about viewership and website hits, nothing more, nothing less.

No one says "I hate conference realignment so I'm not going to watch ESPN until it's over!"
I heard watching ESPN gives you tapeworms.

Laugh now, but it's not refuted anywhere on Snopes.
I heard watching ESPN gives you tapeworms.

Laugh now, but it's not refuted anywhere on Snopes.

It's an urban legend, but bigfoot is real, heard he is an ESPN executive, trust me I have insider info but not insider trading. I'm not Martha Stewart, or atleast I don't think so I am really crafty though.
Funny thing is the real culprit is Fox! ESPN is playing CNN to Fox's burgeoning national Sports Network. Fox is also partners to B12, P12, and B10 networks. When they roll out, ESPN will lose a significant market share of college sports.
Smartest thing the B10 could do is merge its tv network with the burgeoning P12 network to create a new coast-to-coast network with regional coverage: The College Sports Network.
Why isn't the Iowa Gardner-Webb game on TV? it because I live in AZ, where there is currently zero chance of ever seeing a BTN game? Or is it because it is BB, which no one really cares about in sports TV because of the nonexistant ratings and profits?

Anyway, the only thing that matters in live sports TV is football. You get a combined P12/B10 network, you get the early BTN game on live out here (yea for me!), and then a late PTN game on live out East. They also get a way bigger budget and ratings for shows with "national" coverage that broadcast at the same time everywhere. it because I live in AZ, where there is currently zero chance of ever seeing a BTN game? Or is it because it is BB, which no one really cares about in sports TV because of the nonexistant ratings and profits?

Anyway, the only thing that matters in live sports TV is football. You get a combined P12/B10 network, you get the early BTN game on live out here (yea for me!), and then a late PTN game on live out East. They also get a way bigger budget and ratings for shows with "national" coverage that broadcast at the same time everywhere.

Whatevz hater. That's why Delany is getting out-foxed by guys like Pollard in the TV game

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