ESPN: Don't count out Iowa

Is it possible that someone can give some cliff notes on what rittenberg said? I assume anyways it was Rittenberg-- whether I agree or not with him he tends to have some good analysis and one of the phew people (granted cause he's a big 10 writer) at ESPN that are tolerable outside of Herbstriet(SP?)

My work PC blocks most sport's sites :( but fortuanlty our board members are all hawkeyes minus a couple Northern Ia Grads so hawknation is on the "safe" list.......
I want that clowns job! If it were me, I'd do my blog with no pants on, showing only from the chest up!! Imagine the dry cleaning bills I would save!
Sounds a little like the "road leads through Iowa City" stuff we started to hear last year, because we face MSU and MI at home.
Sounds a little like the "road leads through Iowa City" stuff we started to hear last year, because we face MSU and MI at home.

LOL! Yup--that's all that you had to say--- I had a hunch it wasn't somethign to do with our awesome depth at LB or stout defense--- huh :D
Basically: Iowa is showing promise on offense, we have two "easy" (this is IOWA we're talking about here) games coming up, we have games at home, our defense has struggled but it may get better. Nothing groundbreaking, not out on a limb with any comments. About like you'd expect.
We have a shot, lets hope we don't blow it like last season. This team is improving and honestly who could happen
Hopefully we can use these next two games at home to hone the offense and defense and get people healthy, or reps for those filling in. That's all providing we win of course. I hope Coker gets alot of rest this week cuz he's gonna get the ball quite frequently on Saturday.

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