ESPN blog article on Davis retention


Well-Known Member
Iowa expects coordinator Davis to return - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

my two fav parts of presser today

"But Greg's a tremendous football coach. We wouldn't have brought him here 10 months ago or however many if we didn't feel that way. I feel stronger about the kind of coaching person he is now after working with him."


"We've had some great discussion, and I think he's got a real firm handle on our best path moving forward at least at this point," Ferentz said. "I think we're all seeing it the same way. At least he and I are. As we get the whole staff together, we'll have those discussions too."

awesome Kirk, just awesome.
So the whole staff is not on board?

He must mean the part of the staff that has a brain and knows Davis is a joke!
If I were an assistant, I'd be looking for work elsewhere.. oh wait, no I wouldn't. Contract & Kurt's loyalty rewards program = job security foreva!
I don't get why Adam or Brian didn't give their opinions on Davis being retained. Not that I care what they think but I do enjoy reading their opinions no matter how useless they seem to be. It's funny reading what they normally say about B10 stories considering neither one of them know much about football or played at all. It's like asking a guy who is into dungeons and dragons who is going to win the B10 Championship. When I see Adam Rittenberg I just picture Ben Still in Zoolander asking his dad "Who's winning the match?".
Kurt: "Anybody that is paying attention, if they don't have respect for that young guy, they're missing the whole boat."

Uh, yeah. About missing that boat thing....
I really would like Brian F to be name the O cordinator

He was TE coach for the NE Patroits

That make you qualified to be O cord for a College Team

But needs to tell his dad to stick it and call what he wants!!!!!!!
I am simply done with Kirk ... Final straw for me ... We are stuck with Kirk and his sarcastic comments ...

I'm with you his EGO and know it all responses even in the face of failure has done it for me. Not sure if I can stomach watching Iowa Football while he is around win or lose, as far as tickets go somebody new can have my pair next year. Enjoy watching this staff lose games for the players year after year.
I'm with you his EGO and know it all responses even in the face of failure has done it for me. Not sure if I can stomach watching Iowa Football while he is around win or lose, as far as tickets go somebody new can have my pair next year. Enjoy watching this staff lose games for the players year after year.

A little late to the party, but welcome home.

ferentz hasn't changed. The difference now is that he has nobody that can really recruit like he used to have. Hence, drop off in talent and he's exposed for what he really is - a horrible system schemer and sickly game day coach.

Get the feeling that those 3 really good years he had really had nothing to do with his coaching?

Did anyone really expect anything different? For better or worse(and there is some of both) this is who he is and it is not going to change. An old school coach who the leadership of the University has deemed deserving of very high levels of compensation, job security and autonomy on both a relative and absolute basis.

I have the same concerns many other members have but my experience in life is that people are never as smart as they look at their peaks(2002, 2004 or 2009 for KF) or as dumb as they look in the valley(2007 or 2012). Generally the truth is somewhere in between. He is not Nick Saban but we could have done a lot worse. Outside of the 'natural' powers(OSU & Michigan) he has outperformed every other school in the conference except Wisconsin over his tenure.

To me the 14 year record is good but the possibility that 2011-2012 is a trend causes concern.

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