EJ Tweet

Somebody on the free recruiting board over on TOS said we signed a JUCO center from Western Iowa today. Not sure if true though. Could be him I guess.
He hasn't tweeted since Dec 15th (Tevaun Smith), this may just be a delay on the Garmon commitment. Interesting no tweet for Cody Sokol, although I think standards from NCAA on JUCO's is different.
Sokol actually signed so no need to tweet for him. Gotta be someone new since news about Garman is well publicized by now.
Probably a stupid question, but is there any chance it could be a new coach he's talking about? I would think it's more than likely a player, but just curious...
Word seems to be that it isn't the center from IWCC.

Would seem they could mention the JUCO players by name if that is who we are talking about. Likewise remains confusing that Sokol would get no traffic from EJ but the IWCC center would. I have no information to the contrary of your position, just observation.
I am pretty sure that the coaches can talk about JUCOs once they have signed the LOI so I think it might be someone besides the center. Hoping it is a QB that has had a recent in home visit.
This may be arguing schematics here but take a look at this. Here is the way EJ usually tweets about new recruits:

"We've got a new member of the #Hawkeye family! #GoHawks #Iowa"

Here is the tweet he sent out today:

"Very excited about the new member of our #Hawkeye family. #GoHawks #Iowa"

Interesting that he would add the "very exciting" part. Never seen that before.

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