Down, But Not Out...

A disappointing loss tonight that showed Iowa fans that we bleed all the same. This is no way hurts Iowa's chances of making a BCS bowl game or winning the Big Ten. Chins up, next week is a new week.
Disappointed but I really don't feel that bad. We have some really good things going for us. Take away any of about 7-8 plays and we win the game.

Offense and our ability to run the ball against quality teams has been a problem for a very long time and it showed again today.

On the other hand the Oline handled pass protection fairly well... yes they got blown up at the end but that was overwhelming numbers and no answer from the O coordinator or QB.
How does this loss " in no way hurt Iowa's chances of making a BCS bowl game"? Don't they consider number of losses. Do you think if Iowa was 9-3 with a loss to AZ instead of 10-2 last year that we would have had an equal chance of going to a BCS game?
I'm sick and tired of all the hype we get some years and then its an epic fail to live up to it. Someday will we ever live up to our expectations, thats what pi55es me off.
How does this loss " in no way hurt Iowa's chances of making a BCS bowl game"? Don't they consider number of losses. Do you think if Iowa was 9-3 with a loss to AZ instead of 10-2 last year that we would have had an equal chance of going to a BCS game?

If we win the Big Ten we WILL go to a BCS Bowl. Losing to Arizona in no way effects our chances of winning the Big Ten.
I agree...but we don't look like a top 20 team.

If we stay ranked, we need to take some time off and reflect on who we think we are. OSU is an entire level above who we are right now

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