Donna Shalala vs. NCAA



The bumbling Mark Emmert has finally challenged someone that will call him on his unethical activities.

The NCAA is a complete joke. What a bunch of clowns. That said, I don't shed one tear for Miami either.
I'm less concerned with the NCAA than Yahoo! sports is. The NCAA has looked like the Keystone cops trying to catch these elite programs who violate the spirit and letter fo the regulations with regard to recruitng. I know it, you know it, we all know it and the NCAA knows it but they have to prove it (we dont). I think they are fed up trying enforce but have their hands tied behind their back and being outlawyered all the time.

If you ask me should NCAA conduct themselves ethically? - yes of course.
Gregg Doyel favors elimination of NCAA:

Amid Miami debacle and hypocrisy, NCAA should be eliminated - NCAA Football - News, Scores, Stats, Schedule and BCS Rankings

I emailed the article to a lawyer friend in LA. Following is his response:

I read the entire article you forwarded me from It all makes me angry, and angry, and angry. USC Trojans got the worst punishment since SMU's death penalty, all because of Reggie Bush's scumbag stepfather. He was the man who ordered that Reggie's natural father not be allowed to attend the Heisman Trophy ceremony.

Now much more of the truth is coming out through former USC assistant coach Todd McNair's lawsuit against the NCAA which is filed in Los Angeles. When McNair's lawsuit was filed I knew the NCAA was in big trouble. Reason: McNair's attorney is Bruce Broillet, a Notre Dame grad from Santa Monica. Bruce is one of my closest personal and professional friends. He is also one of the most outstanding civil litigation trial attorneys in California.

Right on cue, Bruce obtained an order that requires the NCAA to release its investigative files about the USC matter. Those files include a lot of provable lies and other defamation about Todd McNair. The NCAA will eventually pay big money to settle the Todd McNair lawsuit because they do NOT want to see the carnage of a public trial in which Bruce Broillet would chew up all their investigative persons into little pieces.

Jerry Tarkanian was scorned, vilified, and harassed by the NCAA for over 20 years. Eventually Tark filed a lawsuit against the NCAA, which paid Tark $2.5 million to settle the case. In civil litigation, nobody pays $2.5 million to settle a case unless they know that the plaintiff has a very meritorious lawsuit that they will lose if they go to trial.

It will never escape my mind that one of the items for which Tark and Long Beach State was penalized by the NCAA involved recruitment of high school senior Clifton Pondexter. He spent Easter vacation at the Long Beach apartment of his older brother Roscoe, who was power forward for Tark at Long Beach State. Clifton stayed there one week and slept on the couch. He did not pay any rent. The NCAA convicted Tark of violating the "extra benefits rule" in recruiting Clifton Pondexter.

My question still remains: When is Ohio State going to be punished for for its Tattoo-gate and for Coach Tressel lying to the NCAA and lying to OSU's university President?