Does this irritate anyone else...

I'm sure he didn't run out and volunteer this information. The reporter asked him a question about Iowa and he answered it honestly. If you have a beef with anyone in this instance it should be with the reporter who asked him the question and framed the answers this way.

The long and short of it is Alford was forced out here and he found a new home and he's succeeded while we haven't (largely for the reasons he's mentioned).
Alford was gloating this morning on the Dan Patrick show. Remembering the good ole days in high school when he scored 57. I heard about 30 sec. about his team.
I wonder if Dodd got his butt kicked by someone from Iowa while he was growing up. He really seems to enjoy trying to cut down the U of I at any chance he gets. If he wrote an article about wrestling he would probably claim they are not good enough to win the national title. Despite the fact that as I am writing this they have already claimed the title and the semi finals aren't even done yet.
You can't really dispute anything Alford says.

Practice facility---long over due...will be done in 18 months
Strength coach--this past season they added a dedicated one....we saw the benefits of it
Marketing- Iowa's version of marketing is $1 hot dogs at the concession stand.
you all make good points, but what I don't get is he was here for eight years, promised to take Iowa to the next level and in eight years, never got any of those things done.
Funny that Mr. Davis Davis could find ways to win under the same circumstances. Mr. Davis actually developed players. If a coach can turn Acie Earle and Les Jepsen into NBA draft picks then he can flat out coach. I don't recall one player developing into a better player under Alford. Not one. I see Alford hasn't gotten over his habit of blaming everyone else for his faults. While at Iowa he constantly blamed his players for losing games. Never once was it the coach's fault. I'll use one of Coach Alford's favorite words in responding to that article...excuses are like ********, coach, everybody's got one! You should be thanking Iowa for paying you handsomely for your on-the-job training. You raped the state of millions of dollars...of course you should know the meaning of that word too since that was an important issue during your tenure!!! Also, give Noodles a nice raise cuz you were floundering in your job until you kicked your old man to the curb and hired Noodles. Good luck at your next BIG job opportunity...everyone will see the read Alfaud again. Go, Huskies!
As much as I can't stand the guy, he speaks the truth. We DON'T have a practice facility and one was promised to him. We DIDN'T have a strength coach but we do as of last year. And our market department blows more than a $2 hooker. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has been complaining for years to move the student section to down around the floor and it still hasn't been done. Carver is a nice facility but it's hard as heck to get it rockin'.

Giving away food isn't marketing, it's a sign of desperation.

With all of that said, alford still can't coach his way out of a wet paper bag. If it wasn't for Noodles and hiring some quality asst's that can recruit aka NOT YOUR FRICKIN DAD then the same success he is having at NM would have been at Iowa. How many years was his dad an assitant at Iowa? The recruiting picked up after Noodles got here but by then the end was already here.
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As much as I can't stand the guy, he speaks the truth. We DON'T have a practice facility and one was promised to him. We DIDN'T have a strength coach but we do as of last year. And our market department blows more than a $2 hooker. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE has been complaining for years to move the student section to down around the floor and it still hasn't been done. Carver is a nice facility but it's hard as heck to get it rockin'.

Giving away food isn't marketing, it's a sign of desperation.

you all make good points, but what I don't get is he was here for eight years, promised to take Iowa to the next level and in eight years, never got any of those things done.

how do you get to the next level Clipper? when you have a Unversity that doesn't deliver the goods. The bottlomline is Shame on Iowa.. Practice facility was discussed while Alford was here and so by my estimation let's say 5 to 7 years in the making? Yet we still a year and half away. Marketing? What does Iowa do? New Mexico is a Basketball School no question. The Pit is an awesome place.

I have no problem what Alford said. Iowa Basketball has no appeal. That is why this next hire is very important.

Hawk4life nailed it.

Practice facility---long over due...will be done in 18 months
Strength coach--this past season they added a dedicated one....we saw the benefits of it
Marketing- Iowa's version of marketing is $1 hot dogs at the concession stand.

People can say what they want Alford put his heart and soul into Iowa early on.
1. He started Midnight Madness when he arrived.
2. Started the Hawk's Nest
3. He attended and drove around on a Golf Cart during Football Season interacted with fans promoting Iowa Basketball.
4. Iowa's BB attendance was making the National Top 25 list for a majority time while at Iowa.

His desire slowly erroded to the point he couldn't wait to get out of town.
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You can't really dispute anything Alford says.

Practice facility---long over due...will be done in 18 months
Strength coach--this past season they added a dedicated one....we saw the benefits of it
Marketing- Iowa's version of marketing is $1 hot dogs at the concession stand.

100% agree. I am by no means an Alford supporter but what he says about our program has some validity. If we want to be the best we have to spend money(for basketball) like the best.

Hopefully that starts very shortly when we hire Pearl...
"If all the ingredients were in place, odds are I wouldn't have left," Alford said following Thursday night's first-round NCAA tournament win over Montana. "I saw something in [New Mexico]. They were committed to basketball on the highest level.
"We have a practice facility, have our own strength coach, have our own marketing director that we didn't have in place at my last stop."
How does that taste, Iowa? It should taste bitter. Three years after Alford left your program, it is in shambles. Attendance has dwindled, Todd Lickliter was fired Monday. It wasn't the first time Alford smacked up the Hawkeyes in the aftermath of his first NCAA tournament win since 2001. ][/quote]

Uh, dude, you didn't "leave" Iowa, you were pushed out the door. Rightly so. I've absolutely never hated a coach more than SA. He allowed PP to drag Iowa's name through the mud. He's an egotisitcal a-hole who threw oranges at his players on the bus ride home after losing to UNI. He's the piece of crap who wouldn't let his players eat anything after a loss. I honestly don't care if he someday wins the tournament as long as he isn't coaching here. He can have all the successes in the world and it won't change the fact that he's a grade A DB.

Oh, and did anyone else hear Reggie Miller slam him on Bob and Tom?
Steve said nothing that was untrue...We paid him a ton of money to learn how to coach. He is a tool...stuck on himself and thinks the program is all about him.
Not seeing anything thats a problem there. It sounds to me like this is the type of coach your looking for now. someone with a little fire and can coach? It was a little rough while he was here but... I did like the video of him calling a kid an A hole. Why didn't Alford just say "look at the could carry our sweat towles".
Alford is a grade a @$$-clown who's only about himself.....always has been and always will be and Dodd's a jock-sniffing hack who, for whatever reason, has never found a negative Iowa angle he hasn't liked.

With that being said, everything Alford said is true. We neglected the basketball program for the better part of 20 years and are now reaping what we sowed. Combine that with the bad karma from kicking to the curb our program's winningest coach (not to mention a helluva good man) and this is the end result.

You can't expect to compete year in and year out for the best recruits when your team has to occassionally drive to North Liberty to practice or you have to practice at Carver at 6am. Not to mention not being able to allow your players a venue to practice on their own whenever they want.

I hate that Alford is right.....unfortunately, he is.
Was it possible to build the football team a new outdoor practice facility, give Kinnick an $80 million dollar facelift, make Ferentz one of the highest paid coaches in college football, and build Alford a practice facility?

It seems to me Bowlsby had a choice to make and he chose to invest in Ferentz and the football program. Do you blame him?
Was it possible to build the football team a new outdoor practice facility, give Kinnick an $80 million dollar facelift, make Ferentz one of the highest paid coaches in college football, and build Alford a practice facility?

It seems to me Bowlsby had a choice to make and he chose to invest in Ferentz and the football program. Do you blame him?

We could have sunk more money into basketball back in the late 80's when Tom Davis had the team rolling, ranked #1 and beating the major powers in the country. That's the one mistake I believe Davis made which was not parlaying the "capital" he had built up in the basketball program into increased investment in the basketball program.

That's how Hayden got the bubble built.....he threatened to go to USC and, voila, his practice bubble was built the next year. Davis either never thought of doing that or was never comfortable doing it.
We could have sunk more money into basketball back in the late 80's when Tom Davis had the team rolling, ranked #1 and beating the major powers in the country. That's the one mistake I believe Davis made which was not parlaying the "capital" he had built up in the basketball program into increased investment in the basketball program.

That's how Hayden got the bubble built.....he threatened to go to USC and, voila, his practice bubble was built the next year. Davis either never thought of doing that or was never comfortable doing it.

I have a problem with laying that at Mr. Davis's feet...the athletic department should've thought about a practice facility when they were coming up with the money to build Carver-Hawkeye...or every year after when other teams were building them.

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