Does anyone else find themselves...


Well-Known Member
rooting against Chizik and Auburn? I know that shouldn't care, but I liken it to watching your nerdy little brother get dumped by his first real girlfriend for another guy with a southern accent. And then she just rubs it in your dorky brothers face. Although, I am guessing ISU isn't complaining right now.
I always root against Auburn and Chizik. He's a turd, plain and simple, and I root against turds. I thought that when he coached there and I thought that times 100 when he left.
I'm with ya. I was rooting for Mississippi State.

ISU ended up with a better fit in the end.
Yes, I rooted for Miss. State. It is hard to admire Chizik.

Iowa State has an excellent coach now and was lucky that Chizik left (I guess things work out for the best in the end).
Yes, Chizik is a schmuck. Even though I'm a Hawkeye and ISU is our rival, it still ticks me off the way that he dumped them without thinking twice for the first better job opening that came along, and I wouldn't mind seeing him fail at Auburn (nothing against Auburn). I suppose we shouldn't be surprised though.
While I agree that it was a no-class move to leave Ames the way he did, you really can't blame him for leaving. It was obvious from day one that ISU was a stepping stone; a way to get "head coach at _____" on his resume.

As far as Auburn goes....meh. I don't really care one way or another, as the only way Iowa is going to play them is if it's a bowl game.

However, I'd be interested to hear from Clone fans who they would root for in such a matchup.
I root against Chizik, but at the same time, ISU may end up coming out on top of this one, having landed Rhoads. Maybe.

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