Do you have concerns with your son(s) playing football?


A lot of talk about this in the sports talk world.

If you have sons that are getting close to football playing age or presently play, do you have concerns for their long term health?

I have two daughters, so won't have to seriously consider this one until perhaps when I am a grandpa.

I still think HS football can be a great life teacher. But even the high school game is getting bigger, stronger and faster as the years go by.
I have 2 sons ages 12 and 7 and I absolutely have concerns about them playing football. If you're a parent and say that you don't have concerns then you're either lying or don't give a crap about your boy(s).

However, I also have concerns about them riding their bike, climbing trees, walking to school, driving (once they get old enough to have a license), etc.

What I'm saying is that I have concerns all the time about my kids, but I can't let my concerns disuade me from allowing them to do things (within reason) that they enjoy doing.
I have no kids, but I have no problem with my child playing football provided it's under the proper supervision (IE I was comfortable with the coaches and what they were teaching him)
A lot of talk about this in the sports talk world.

If you have sons that are getting close to football playing age or presently play, do you have concerns for their long term health?

I have two daughters, so won't have to seriously consider this one until perhaps when I am a grandpa.

I still think HS football can be a great life teacher. But even the high school game is getting bigger, stronger and faster as the years go by.

tackle football - at least where i live - starts really, really young. My oldest son is in 3rd grade and tackle football is an option - and he is not going to be playing at this point. flag football is it for him if he wishes to play at all. beyond the point of head injuries - you ever been around the dads of tackle football kids? uh, no thanks.....
My wife and I don't have kids yet. We plan to in the next couple years, and we've talked about it. If we have boys, I think it will be a point of contention for us. I'm very concerned about the idea of my boys playing football, but she really wants her sons to play. I think there is enough evidence that the damage of the sport starts at a young age (high school and below) that it's not worth the risk. I honestly have begun to have qualms even about watching football, and I love the game.
I believe if you teach your kids the right way to do things such as tackle and playing the game the right way you have an advantage. things are going to happen no matter how much you protect your kids. I want my boys' to play football....heck I even teach my 6 year old to see what he hits when we're messing around.
I have 2 sons ages 12 and 7 and I absolutely have concerns about them playing football. If you're a parent and say that you don't have concerns then you're either lying or don't give a crap about your boy(s).

However, I also have concerns about them riding their bike, climbing trees, walking to school, driving (once they get old enough to have a license), etc.

What I'm saying is that I have concerns all the time about my kids, but I can't let my concerns disuade me from allowing them to do things (within reason) that they enjoy doing.

Yeah, that's the case. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

So my dad didn't care about me?
I never played football when I was growing up however interestingly enough, this conversation popped up not too long ago when I was visiting my parents. They both said that had I have showed interest in playing football, they would have discouraged it. With a child on the way and hopefully more beyond that for my wife and myself, I'm not sure how I think about it.
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Our 10yo started playing tackle football last fall. The hits at that age are pretty minimal, or so we thought.

In the league semifinals my son took 2 hits that rang his bell. I didn't get a good look because it was at the far end of the field at the goal line, but his coach said they were easily the 2 hardest hits of the year and he took both of them (literally) head-on.

He dealt with headaches for a couple weeks and my wife, me and the coaches thought it to be in his best interest to sit him. The doctor's gave him the green light a week or 2 later and he played another game or 2 before the season ended.

My wife has done a lot of research on the subject (she's a licensed NP) and she brought back some really good info from a conference she was at last week. We'll be handing it out to the coaches this fall - simple things like symptoms to look for if a kid takes a hard hit and long term effects.

Sadly my son's interest in playing football has wained since last fall. It's not that he doesn't like football because he absolutely LOVES it. I think he's been (rightfully) scared a bit and I can't blame him.
My nine year old had his last game of his first season yesterday. Of course I was concerned but the coaches and assistants did a great job teaching the kids proper form.

As for dads being a problem. Out of everyone out there, I would say there was only one dad that I would like to shut up. It was no different than any sport.
Football was dangerous when I played it too. I'm sure my parents had concerns. It didn't keep them from allowing me to play. And my concerns won't keep me from allowing my sons to play if I have any.

In some ways, football is less dangerous now because injuries are starting to be taken more seriously. You won't see kids being asked to play through concussions like they have been in the past(or at least not as often).
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tackle football - at least where i live - starts really, really young. My oldest son is in 3rd grade and tackle football is an option - and he is not going to be playing at this point. flag football is it for him if he wishes to play at all. beyond the point of head injuries - you ever been around the dads of tackle football kids? uh, no thanks.....

I will give you two perspectives. When I was around 6 years old I received a bad head injury while playing (no funny jokes OK). I wasnt supposed to play organized tackle football. But I played tons of sandlot, hardnosed football and I wish I would have had the chance to play jr high or high school ball.

But as the father of a son who is now 26, whose mother would not let him play because she worked in healthcare fields, I am really glad he played baseball and basketball. You can get hurt enough in a variety of sports.

I think it is OK to play football as long as it is taught correctly and coaches and parents arent cursing idiots about it.

As one poster said, there are all kinds of ways are kids can get hurt and many of them we let them do, swim, climb, ride bikes and cars, etc.

Ask yourself if you would let them ride a motorcycle, if the answer is yes then you might as well let them play football.
I should also add that most grade school and parochial football coaches in des moines 20 years ago were the cursing, screaming types.
I am not worried about it any more than other similar activities with known risks.

IHSSA has some great information on it for people concerned with safety, especially the concussion issue which is still relatively new to a lot of people. CDC also has a lot of good info. on their site.

In Iowa there is a strong movement in the schools to guard against this, but obviously not so much in your public leagues. So if you're a parent do your due diligence and watch out for your kids safety yourself.

The media has demonized the NFL and NCAA and football community for concussion issues, but I think it's fair to point out that until even recently the medical community as a whole has been behind the curve on this as well. As an EMT we're just getting training on this in recent years and the science has been changing quickly as new information and a more serious approach has been taken. There is still a lot we do not know, so the standard practice is to play it safe especially with kids who still have developing brains.
I'd let my kid play. With my athletic genes he would hardly see the field anyways.
I have boy that is 6 and a girl that is 4. Both play Tee/baseball and the 4yr girl is in Dance too. My wife and I are willing to let them try any sport. I can't protect them from everything but as long as it is supervised by adults I'm not to worried. I would never say don't play because you could get hurt. I know the risk but the lessons in life from sports far out weight the risk. I think if you start taking sports out of a kids life it can lead them down the wrong path.
Yes. I was going to let him play (10 yr old) then he suffered a major concussion outside of football. I spoke with several doctors and they said it would not be worth the risk. From what I have gathered as well most of the coaches also say that do not like pre high school footbal as most of the dads who claim they are football experts do not teach them the proper skills which causes injury. If he is an athlete he will play when he is old enough under proper supervision. I do no think there is an edge to playing at an earlier age and the risk is too great. Your mind and body are far too important to risk the .000000000000001% chance to play big time football for a few years. I would be more proud of him if he got a good education, great job or statred his own business supporting his family as an adult than I would if he played on Sundays.
I played. I have 2 sons 8 and 10 plus 2 daughters all playing sports year round. Next fall will be my elder sons 1st year of tackle (5th grade). It's been flag up til this point. He really likes FB. I am concerned. My youngest likes flag FB but told me he didn't want to play HS football because you get hurt . This was a yr and a half ago. I used to try to persuade him it was ok and it's not a big deal, but not any longer.

I coach youth football, basketball and baseball and we are required by state of MN to take concussion training. That opened my eyes, not to FB head injuries but just head injuries in general. I was naive to the risks and ignorant of the results.

Will be interesting to see how the game evolves the next 10-20 years.
Yes. I was going to let him play (10 yr old) then he suffered a major concussion outside of football. I spoke with several doctors and they said it would not be worth the risk. From what I have gathered as well most of the coaches also say that do not like pre high school footbal as most of the dads who claim they are football experts do not teach them the proper skills which causes injury. If he is an athlete he will play when he is old enough under proper supervision. I do no think there is an edge to playing at an earlier age and the risk is too great. Your mind and body are far too important to risk the .000000000000001% chance to play big time football for a few years. I would be more proud of him if he got a good education, great job or statred his own business supporting his family as an adult than I would if he played on Sundays.

I got my first on the way in August. I will let him play football if he wants to. I will however be subtly nudging him more towards baseball and basketball.

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