DJK's attitude yesterday really bothered me.


Well-Known Member
I was at the game, and what a rollercoaster! Felt so great to be apart of a game like that.

However, DJK's attitude bothered me. On 3 of those interceptions by Stanzi, DJK had a chance to break up the pass and he didn't. For instance, he rayn a deep in slant, and the defender picked it, DJK had GREAT position to knock it away or attempt to grab it, and he didn't. After it was picked he started walking and didn't pursue the defender. He then just continued to walk off the field. He did that during 2 other picks, and it really bothered me. We kept talking about it the entire time, it came accross as a Me-Me-Me player, and isn't going to go out of his way to help the team.

That being said, he had a great TD.
Don't forget that while DJK shows great promise, he's not a polished and true receiver yet...I hope I'm right to think that he just didn't have a good guage of the situation, reading the ball, knowing where the defender was, etc etc and that it wasn't an attitude thing, because he seems to be a team guy.
It's easy to second guess him on those, but he had his guy beaten so badly and he was running full speed... The balls were just underthrown and he didn't adjust quickly enough, he probably didn't realize the extent to which they would hang in the air after the wind batted them down.
I noticed on the long Indiana INT return, DJK just sort of threw his hands down to his sides sort of 'Come on!' and took a few walking steps towards the endzone. He later showed up in the screen, but that was after the guy returned it close to 50 yards. I am sure he will hear about that from the coaches.
It's easy to second guess him on those, but he had his guy beaten so badly and he was running full speed... The balls were just underthrown and he didn't adjust quickly enough, he probably didn't realize the extent to which they would hang in the air after the wind batted them down.

If you've read the recap in the Register today, that's pretty much what he said.
Why is it that DJK seems to be the target of ridicule by someone every week?
I think he has shown to be not only an excellent receiver and down field blocker but also a team player that hasn't complained about his role this year. Give the kid a break and quit nit picking his every move.
A couple of the interceptions happened right in front of me. The DB was far enough from DJK that he wouldn't have been able to break up the pass, so I can't fault him there. Not chasing after the pick is a different story.
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I was at the game, and what a rollercoaster! Felt so great to be apart of a game like that.

However, DJK's attitude bothered me. On 3 of those interceptions by Stanzi, DJK had a chance to break up the pass and he didn't. For instance, he rayn a deep in slant, and the defender picked it, DJK had GREAT position to knock it away or attempt to grab it, and he didn't. After it was picked he started walking and didn't pursue the defender. He then just continued to walk off the field. He did that during 2 other picks, and it really bothered me. We kept talking about it the entire time, it came accross as a Me-Me-Me player, and isn't going to go out of his way to help the team.

That being said, he had a great TD.

I love how fans can take a frustrated DJK and say it is because he is a me, me, me player. I'm sorry but that is weak. Unless he has arms 8 to 9 feet long he wasn't breaking up those INT...
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Stop it! Iowa won the game. Iowa is 9-0. Our team is 9-0. We won!
Stop ******** about every little detail.
Go Hawks!
I'm not upset about it because Iowa won but I do think part of being a good receiver is bailing your quarterback out and playing a little defense sometimes. As for hustling after an interception maybe the coaches can have him watch this clip a few times.
[ame=""]YouTube - Ben Watson Tackle[/ame]
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Great clip, Sedrick5.

That is what every Hawkeye needs to see.

And yes, I think DJK gave up on that play after the pick. A big mistake by him for not trying. It really ****** me off seeing the replay.
well if anything DJK can build on that.

However, I am gonna say i support all hawkeyes and am a big DJK fan, but i did notice him "dogging" it in regards to upfield blocking on one of the Mcnutt misdirection plays. Marvin could of gotten another ten yards or so and i was a bit dissapointed with his hustle.

however, its look apperent what Morse watched that ben watson video
I was at the game, and what a rollercoaster! Felt so great to be apart of a game like that.

However, DJK's attitude bothered me. On 3 of those interceptions by Stanzi, DJK had a chance to break up the pass and he didn't. For instance, he rayn a deep in slant, and the defender picked it, DJK had GREAT position to knock it away or attempt to grab it, and he didn't. After it was picked he started walking and didn't pursue the defender. He then just continued to walk off the field. He did that during 2 other picks, and it really bothered me. We kept talking about it the entire time, it came accross as a Me-Me-Me player, and isn't going to go out of his way to help the team.

That being said, he had a great TD.

Are you the same guy that called in and expressed this same thing on the Dolphin call in show, and Soundoff? I think the same guy made both calls.
Let's say he was running full speed and unable to make plays to break up the picks? What's the excuse for throwing a mini-fit and not trying to make the tackle on the INT return? Once the ball was intercepted, if he immediately tries to stop, turns around and runs to make a tackle, that long INT return on the 4th or 5th pick wouldn't have been nearly as long. That was my biggest issue with him yesterday...I didn't get to see any replays because I was at the game, so I couldn't tell if he could/couldn't make a play on those balls to break them up, but the lack of effort in stopping the INT return is a big issue with me.
Let's say he was running full speed and unable to make plays to break up the picks? What's the excuse for throwing a mini-fit and not trying to make the tackle on the INT return? Once the ball was intercepted, if he immediately tries to stop, turns around and runs to make a tackle, that long INT return on the 4th or 5th pick wouldn't have been nearly as long. That was my biggest issue with him yesterday...I didn't get to see any replays because I was at the game, so I couldn't tell if he could/couldn't make a play on those balls to break them up, but the lack of effort in stopping the INT return is a big issue with me.

He's a college kid and a competitor. One second, he's thinking sure TD, the next he realizes the ball is going the other way, instinctively he did what all the fans did and tossed his hands in disgust and then a split second later thought "oh crap, there's still a play going on." We won and it is a good teaching moment. It won't happen again.
He's a college kid and a competitor. One second, he's thinking sure TD, the next he realizes the ball is going the other way, instinctively he did what all the fans did and tossed his hands in disgust and then a split second later thought "oh crap, there's still a play going on." We won and it is a good teaching moment. It won't happen again.

I agree he is our most talented WR and should get credit for the good things he does and not the bad. To sum it up all players make mistakes they are not professional athletes they are 18-22 year old college students. He will be coached up just like every other player will be coached up. Even Reggie Wayne makes a mistake from time to time. It's time to dwell on the positive aspects of our athletes and not the negative, as the saying goes "You run what you Brung"
He's a college kid and a competitor. One second, he's thinking sure TD, the next he realizes the ball is going the other way, instinctively he did what all the fans did and tossed his hands in disgust and then a split second later thought "oh crap, there's still a play going on." We won and it is a good teaching moment. It won't happen again.

Maybe he's got ADHD or something; it's just a focus/effort thing. A deep ball play that doesn't get picked might take 8 seconds. For that 8 seconds, I would think he'd be able to be dialed in. He's got 35 seconds between plays to throw a little fit. Even if it happened as you say it did, with him realizing that there was still a play going on, why didn't he put forth the effort to sprint back upfield to make a tackle? It was more of a jog, waiting for someone else to make the tackle.

I agree with you it's a good coaching point...but this won't be the first time this point will need to be brought up with him.
I'm not upset about it because Iowa won but I do think part of being a good receiver is bailing your quarterback out and playing a little defense sometimes. As for hustling after an interception maybe the coaches can have him watch this clip a few times.
YouTube - Ben Watson Tackle

I remember watching that play and to me it surpasses Don Beebe running down Leon Lett, just because it wasn't a speed guy catching a big guy, it was a big guy (albeit a TE) catching one of the best cover corners in the league...truly amazing effort!
On McNutt's long TD catch, DJK was trailing the play, right along the Iowa sideline.

The whole sideline was going nuts, jumping up and down, cheering Marvin on as he raced for the TD.

What did DJK do? Jogged behind the play with no reaction at all. No celebration, no raised arms, nothing.

Then the camera angle switched to a "from the end zone" view, and DJK is not even in the picture - like he just left the field once the play was past him.

That was a major turning point in the game, and I found DJK's reaction to it kind of odd.

I'm not necessarily accusing DJK of doing anything improper, but if I was trailing that play, I can tell you for sure I'd have run down to the endzone and given McNutt a big hug and celebrated.

Anyone else notice that?