Wow...that's pretty cool. If there is one guy I would like to have our people talking to it's Kirby Smart. He's completely changed the culture at Georgia based on what that article is saying. I guess it's showing up. They had an arrogance about them with Richt as the coach...and I think guys took advantage of him. They were always having off field issues too.
If Reese is saying that about Chauncey G., it tells you something. Damn...Nelson, AJ, Hesse, and Golston....those are some athletic big dudes playing DE. I like it.
Interesting. Why would Georgia do that? What do they have to gain from it? Does it make them look good that they were picked to visit instead of Alabama (or make Saban look petty for not doing it)? Seems like a pretty one-sided opportunity.
Interesting. Why would Georgia do that? What do they have to gain from it? Does it make them look good that they were picked to visit instead of Alabama (or make Saban look petty for not doing it)? Seems like a pretty one-sided opportunity.
Interesting. Why would Georgia do that? What do they have to gain from it? Does it make them look good that they were picked to visit instead of Alabama (or make Saban look petty for not doing it)? Seems like a pretty one-sided opportunity.
Well, you should be a little disappointed that apparently none of the UGA coaches happened to mention something like "Of course many of our audibles are pass plays- we're not dumb!"Should I be thrilled that the Iowa coaches realized we could use some fresh ideas?