MADONNA and him had a KID???!!?! Just kidding I know they didn't but dude that'd make Iowa City fun if they came to town for games...
Don't even joke about that... haLavar Ball have any more kids coming up?
Don't even joke about that... ha
Yeah that dude single handedly screwed up what should 2 of his kids best most fun years of their lives... He got lucky with his oldest being as good as he is and cashing in that lottery ticket. But now he's yanked the others from college and HS for what? Playing meaningless games in Lithuania for a couple bucks and now over here in an even more meaningless league. I suppose he figures he's playing with house $ since the oldest is making enough for them all but still any Dad that'd do half the crap he's pulled is despicable in my book.Yeah, it'd take about ten minutes before Lavar would be ripping into Fran for not playing his son more.
Yeah that dude single handedly screwed up what should 2 of his kids best most fun years of their lives... He got lucky with his oldest being as good as he is and cashing in that lottery ticket. But now he's yanked the others from college and HS for what? Playing meaningless games in Lithuania for a couple bucks and now over here in an even more meaningless league. I suppose he figures he's playing with house $ since the oldest is making enough for them all but still any Dad that'd do half the crap he's pulled is despicable in my book.
Yeah that dude single handedly screwed up what should 2 of his kids best most fun years of their lives... He got lucky with his oldest being as good as he is and cashing in that lottery ticket. But now he's yanked the others from college and HS for what? Playing meaningless games in Lithuania for a couple bucks and now over here in an even more meaningless league. I suppose he figures he's playing with house $ since the oldest is making enough for them all but still any Dad that'd do half the crap he's pulled is despicable in my book.
That's just it I don't think it's any sort of rational belief at all. I think it's delusional. As you said the middle kid was a marginal D1 prospect that got offered to UCLA because of how the oldest did. The youngest was just a cherry picking selfish ball hog from what he was taught to play like in HS. He may be a good HS athlete but I dunno if he's D1 material either. Lonzo is such the anomaly for that family in that he's a good athlete long lanky ball handler that is UNSELFISH on the court. Can't shoot worth a lick but he's a legit player. Now maybe the other two can develop but under the thumb of their Dad I just have my doubts...I can't fault the guy for believing in his kids but there is a point where reality has to set in and hopefully that will happen soon for the sake of his sons.
If the middle and youngest son were elite prospects, sure I get it. Try to make some money and get them in a professional league rather than college and high school basketball. But the middle one isn't and the youngest one better turn out to be because both have thrown away scholarships to UCLA which is gold.