Delaney - "conference likely would cease to exist" if players paid.

I’m amazed at the number of media members/writers that are in favor of paying players. Do they not realize the consequences? Our society has become so entitled its awful. There is an enormous can of worms about to be opened.
That's ********. They're making millions of dollars from these athlete's talents but the world would stop turning if they were compensated at all? Major college athletics isn't "Amateur" like a high school or small college where they are students who are just playing for fun and to have a good experience.

If they want this to be the case then EVERY SINGLE PENNY OF REVENUE from college athletics needs to be donated to charities. If they aren't willing to do this then they don't have an argument.

Jim Delaney makes 1.8 million per year. Pretty good for a guy who is in charge of an "Amateur" sport. There's millions of dollars being made, but not by the people who are actually doing the work that makes the money.
That's ********. They're making millions of dollars from these athlete's talents but the world would stop turning if they were compensated at all? Major college athletics isn't "Amateur" like a high school or small college where they are students who are just playing for fun and to have a good experience.

If they want this to be the case then EVERY SINGLE PENNY OF REVENUE from college athletics needs to be donated to charities. If they aren't willing to do this then they don't have an argument.

Jim Delaney makes 1.8 million per year. Pretty good for a guy who is in charge of an "Amateur" sport. There's millions of dollars being made, but not by the people who are actually doing the work that makes the money.

if these kids have it so rough they should go pay for their college just like anyone else not on a scholarship. or go to work out of high school like a vast majority. or, switch their sport to a sport where they can play pro right out of high school - overseas basketball in greece, for example.

no one is forcing these guys to sign a letter of intent.

isn't college athletics expensive enough the way it is? just wait. or it will simply implode.
if these kids have it so rough they should go pay for their college just like anyone else not on a scholarship. or go to work out of high school like a vast majority. or, switch their sport to a sport where they can play pro right out of high school - overseas basketball in greece, for example.

no one is forcing these guys to sign a letter of intent.

isn't college athletics expensive enough the way it is? just wait. or it will simply implode.

I love college sports and don't want it to change, but I don't believe that any rational person could say that this is fair.

If I owned a business and you had a skill or talent where if I hired you to work for me you'd earn me 20 million dollars and I offered to pay you 30 thousand for your services..There's no way in heck that you would agree to that. You'd be insane to do so. Am I wrong? If that situation were real would you work for me under that arrangement?
I love college sports and don't want it to change, but I don't believe that any rational person could say that this is fair.

If I owned a business and you had a skill or talent where if I hired you to work for me you'd earn me 20 million dollars and I offered to pay you 30 thousand for your services..There's no way in heck that you would agree to that. You'd be insane to do so. Am I wrong? If that situation were real would you work for me under that arrangement?

seriously. if i thought i was being treated unfairly, i'd move down the road and find something better. in turn, you as the business owner would find someone better to replace me.

it happens every day in the 'real world'.

ask yourself this. if the current set up is so bad, why do kids promote themselves to get into said terrible arrangement? PROMOTE THEMSELVES! You've seen the videos. Colleges have to turn away these dumb bastards because of scholly limits.
seriously. if i thought i was being treated unfairly, i'd move down the road and find something better. in turn, you as the business owner would find someone better to replace me.

it happens every day in the 'real world'.

ask yourself this. if the current set up is so bad, why do kids promote themselves to get into said terrible arrangement? PROMOTE THEMSELVES! You've seen the videos. Colleges have to turn away these dumb bastards because of scholly limits.

yep, that's the way it's always been so they don't have any other choice. They want to make to the pros and as far as they know prostituting themselves to these devils is the only way they know to do that.

The average blue chip kid doesn't have a choice but to play along and play for a year or two for the price of school while earning that said school millions of dollars. I'm done with this. If you were born earlier you could have made a wonderful slave owner. You'd justify that **** and sleep like a baby all night long,
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I believe Delaney is right, the Big Ten Members would dissolve the conference if players are paid.

I thought you were a sharper knife in the drawer Delaney. Expecting us to believe that Big Ten members will walk away from $25M + of conference revenues (expected to reach $35M + in the near future) if they can't eat the whole pie seems madcap at best.

Pigs get fed - hogs get slaughtered.
yep, that's the way it's always been so they don't have any other choice. They want to make to the pros and as far as they know prostituting themselves to these devils is the only way they know to do that.

The average blue chip kid doesn't have a choice but to play along and play for a year or two for the price of school while earning that said school millions of dollars. I'm done with this. If you were born earlier you could have made a wonderful slave owner. You'd justify that **** and sleep like a baby all night long,

I'm sure the slave at the whipping post getting 10 lashes in the 1800's thought to himself, "At least I'm not forced to play college football and only receiving a college education in return. Now that would really be injustice!"
yep, that's the way it's always been so they don't have any other choice. They want to make to the pros and as far as they know prostituting themselves to these devils is the only way they know to do that.

The average blue chip kid doesn't have a choice but to play along and play for a year or two for the price of school while earning that said school millions of dollars. I'm done with this. If you were born earlier you could have made a wonderful slave owner. You'd justify that **** and sleep like a baby all night long,

This post is just absurd. Prostitution? Slavery?? Really??? Your analogies are godawful.
Gohawkz is on to something, pay the players and jump ticket prices to several hundred dollars per ticket per game! Sounds like a plan..................
I think Delany is right. Part of the appeal of college football to many fans is the concept of student-athlete. Once they demand salaries, the ''school spirit'' part of college athletics disappears....and many of the fans right along with them. Most fans are ok with the increased stipend to meet the full cost of college....that is needed. But, beyond that, no.

All the publicity around school debt (ten trillion) these days, and the cost of college education, undercuts the agents/lawyers case that players are not compensated. Take away the Iowa uniform,do not make them go to school, put them in a Monsanto uniform, and play the games in Des Moines at the Sec Taylor baseball stadium and watch revenues drop.

Give them complete medical coverage for football injuries for life, up the stipend, add some other benefits that make sense, give them representation at the table, and lifetime tuition, and retain the institution of college football.
Delany is right. He is not a dummy.

I do agree that the playoff concept is all about money and should be eliminated immediately....this is not the NFL, do not need playoffs. I am sure all those who want to pay the players agree....take it down a less games not more.
If you’re a player making the university millions in revenue, the university has used their platform to put YOU in position to make millions when you leave. Don’t like it? Go play in Montreal or for the Barnstormers after high school and make $35k a year.
I love college sports and don't want it to change, but I don't believe that any rational person could say that this is fair.

If I owned a business and you had a skill or talent where if I hired you to work for me you'd earn me 20 million dollars and I offered to pay you 30 thousand for your services..There's no way in heck that you would agree to that. You'd be insane to do so. Am I wrong? If that situation were real would you work for me under that arrangement?

gohawkz, yes, I believe you are wrong. The part I have bolded is my every day. I work for a company that makes $billions (with a "B") in profit every year. I can promise you that I work for an infintesimal percentage of those $billions. Further, I could get laid off at any moment and for no "reason" what-so-ever. In fact, my company just had layoffs on Thursday. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them.

Have you stopped to consider the hundreds of thousands of dollars college football and basketball players already receive in education, training table and medical compensation? You know, the typical college student and their families can go into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt to PAY for the chance to get a college education. This topic is nothing more than a money grab by lawyers and agents that want a % of the NCAA's money as "representatives" to college players. You can bet your *ss, agent representation would soon follow as being "a right" if players start getting paid; regardless of whether they get paid during or after they finish their carreer at a given school.
yep, that's the way it's always been so they don't have any other choice. They want to make to the pros and as far as they know prostituting themselves to these devils is the only way they know to do that.

The average blue chip kid doesn't have a choice but to play along and play for a year or two for the price of school while earning that said school millions of dollars. I'm done with this. If you were born earlier you could have made a wonderful slave owner. You'd justify that **** and sleep like a baby all night long,

gohawkz, your hyperbole is misplaced. There is no law of the universe or nature that gives any person the "right" to demand money because they are athletic. Being athletic enough to play sports at a time in history where there is potential for great financial gain, is also a gift. But you sweep under the carpet the fact that college players are already getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation. I can only surmise that since that compensation isn't in the form of a paycheck it somehow doesn't matter or count. You could start your own "D" league, if you want; that would be capitalism at it's best. But then you'd be one of those "devils" wouldn't you?
They can all start going to the new developmental league starting this fall and make 1000.00 a week. That way they Don't need an education and can pay their own way in life. Sounds good to me. Then we can get back to college football.
yep, that's the way it's always been so they don't have any other choice. They want to make to the pros and as far as they know prostituting themselves to these devils is the only way they know to do that.

The average blue chip kid doesn't have a choice but to play along and play for a year or two for the price of school while earning that said school millions of dollars. I'm done with this. If you were born earlier you could have made a wonderful slave owner. You'd justify that **** and sleep like a baby all night long,
We'll this post jumped the shark pretty quickly.
I’m amazed at the number of media members/writers that are in favor of paying players. Do they not realize the consequences? Our society has become so entitled its awful. There is an enormous can of worms about to be opened.

I am amazed at this as well. It feels like they are not taking the 2 seconds it takes to do their homework. it is almost cringe worthy bad at times.

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