We are waaayyyyyy too predictable if we are going to run or pass. We love to run on first down. We usually just throw on first down if behind or running on first down hasn't worked for like five times in a row. If we gain two yards or less on first down it is a guaranteed pass on second down. On 3rd down and over three we will pass. If it is two yards or less we will most likely run. If we only need a yard we will come out with 1 WR 2 TE and a FB and run off tackle. Any "audible" is merely stating which side we are going to run to. We don't run near as much PA. We never run out of the shotgun. Our route combos stink. We have no scramble drill for the passing game. We hate counter plays. We also don't like to roll out any more. Our veteran QB's get worse because we teach our QB's, after they have gained experience, to use the pre snap alignment to eliminate options in the passing game. The give a VETERAN QB two reads. This makes it ridiculously easy to stop our passing game. We also seem to have no plays for making a blitz pay. It all adds up to a VERY predictable offense that really handicaps our guys.