Deadspin going after Stanzi?

Deadspin represents the absolute worst of 'new media'. I used to go there for radio show prep purposes, but stopped about 7 or 8 months ago
Even if this is true, which i dont think it is, everyone makes dumb choices in high school. Stanzi is a 5th year senior and we haven't heard anything about this until now. Im willing to bet this is a rumor
Deadspin represents the absolute worst of 'new media'. I used to go there for radio show prep purposes, but stopped about 7 or 8 months ago

I have to admit i am not very familiar with it but after spending 30 seconds on there came to the same conclusion.
Honestly, if the guy actually had the picture, what does he get by offering to sell it? Nobody is going to take him up on that. If you actually have it, then release it and get your 15 minutes of fame. Doing it like this makes you look like you're just trying to sucker someone into paying you for nothing.
Honestly, if the guy actually had the picture, what does he get by offering to sell it? Nobody is going to take him up on that. If you actually have it, then release it and get your 15 minutes of fame. Doing it like this makes you look like you're just trying to sucker someone into paying you for nothing.

IF the guy is to be believed, he says he's held onto the picture in the hope that Stanzi gets famous and the guy could sell the pictures for profit. If that was the case the guy should have waited until either the draft or at least until the post-season awards came out. Handling it like this would be the equivalent of releasing nude photos of one of the Glee actresses in the summer of 2008.
Back in my day things like that were only on Polaroid film and copy control was easy. Poor kids growing up today with all these camera phones and stuff.
Pot should be legal. I don't care if he smokes pot now so long as he isn't doing it before the game. It doesn't make him a hippie, but there are nothing wrong with those too.

Communists - that's a whole other story.
IF the guy is to be believed, he says he's held onto the picture in the hope that Stanzi gets famous and the guy could sell the pictures for profit. If that was the case the guy should have waited until either the draft or at least until the post-season awards came out. Handling it like this would be the equivalent of releasing nude photos of one of the Glee actresses in the summer of 2008.

I think Stanzi peaked when he said "Love it or leave it."
Any pot in Ricky's system if probably just a contact high from being around all the pot-smoking-hippes in IC. :)
I had a good friend tell me once that Stanzi used to be a big pot smoker.
Key word here is used to be. And I just thought it to be hear say.
But now believe it and I could care less. Obviously he has grown into a great person and I'm sure all of us have done something they would like to take back in highschool and your early college years.

Now, if deadspin had a photo of Stanzi smoking pot with an Iowa Jersey on with a bunch of hippies down at the ped mall burning an American flag. That would get my attention. His hair is getting kinda long:)

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