Darkhorse Bio's: Steve Forbes

Very nice. The more I learn about some of these candidates the more that I'm starting to like them. I'd almost put Forbes as my #2 candidate behind Pearl.

Plus I think that the flat tax could be a game changer. Sorry...it's probably been done elsewhere...but what am I if not overly dedicated to a bad joke.
i like forbes a lot as well. but that also makes me believe we have a shot at Bruce. cause if bruce says no then we get forbes. Well more than likely he would bring some of the other people on TENN staff that has Iowa ties and then Bruce will be left over getting a new staff. Or he could just come to Iowa and bring his staff and keep them in force. i say we pull a lane kiffin type hire and pay bruce a little more than he is getting and put some really nice bonuses out there and then pay his staff a lot better then what they are currently get. get the whole package.
I like his resume. Can it translate to Iowa as a HC..... which is the same for all the other candidates. Other than Pearl, he is clearly the 2nd best overall fit for Iowa. The question is can he be successful running his own show?
Steve Forbes was a well-known athlete in Eastern Iowa in his era. I think he played baseball and possibly basketball at Muscatine Community College in the early 80's, if I remember correctly. Forbes was part of some excellent teams in many sports at Lone Tree in the early to mid 80's.

Jon, can you name the Lone Tree Lion who played for your SIU Fighting Salukis?

Todd Krueger was the Saluki!

Good work Jon, Steve Forbes is at the #1 spot on my candidate list and is being endorsed by Pearl.
The more I read that article, the more I like this guy. A well known recruiter with Iowa ties. The Paul Rhoads comparison is perfect. Does anyone know if he cares about the Iowa program and wanting to turn it around as much as Rhoads cares about the ISU program?
The more I read that article, the more I like this guy. A well known recruiter with Iowa ties. The Paul Rhoads comparison is perfect. Does anyone know if he cares about the Iowa program and wanting to turn it around as much as Rhoads cares about the ISU program?

Grew up a Hawkeye fan, still a Hawkeye fan. Loves Iowa City, all family still lives in area. Would never leave imho.

Funny, just checked there's now a Hire Steve Forbes facebook page and some Pearl pages out there. I'm sure there are several others.
You beat me to the Krueger answer. I remember being in their gym in say 1984 I think when West Branch played them in a state playoff game...Marv Cook was a senior I believe...I remember thinking that those Lone Tree guys were larger than life. Would Forbes have been on that team?
Forbes has been a good recruiter as an assistant for a big name coach but can he do it as the head man in charge at Iowa? Just asking as I dont know much about him and recruiting is essential for Iowa.
Pretty smooth BJ...pretty smooth. Just an honest question...does anybody really think he can bring in big time players...cuz I landed Derek Rose...ever heard of him?
Thanks for the writeup Jon. Forbes definitely sounds like a definite possibility as our next coach, and was probably already my top pick if we go the assistant route, but reading your article about him makes me feel a lot better about that. :)

Forbes sounds like a workaholic, a great recruiter, and someone who likes to play a running style of offense. I'd be on board with that.
You beat me to the Krueger answer. I remember being in their gym in say 1984 I think when West Branch played them in a state playoff game...Marv Cook was a senior I believe...I remember thinking that those Lone Tree guys were larger than life. Would Forbes have been on that team?

Pretty sure he was. We won that game too!
Probably not my first choice, but here are the positives.

1. Great recruiter. Did it at LA Tech, TAM, Tennessee.
2. Hopefully a tireless worker. I really think this is key to bring the passion back to bball. Knowing that he is constantly making the rounds with the fans and recruits.
3. Iowa native that would cherish the opportunity and have an idea on the enviornment.
4. Familiar with a fast paced offense

I really think he would recruit well at Iowa with the contacts at the large school level and being a former head man at the Juco level in the midwest. I think he would get solid recruits.

The one concern for me is X and O's. I really like seeing what a Tom Davis coach could do with George Raveling recruits. This, to me, separates the good teams from the more elite teams. If hired, I would really like to see a strong former #1 man as his asst. coach.
No, that was his younger brother and Lone Tree won that game.

Whichever year it was, Lone Tree won at their place. The noise (through the eye of a child's mind) was thunderous.

I remember having made a bunch of rolled up paper wads...tightly rolled, then taped...we were into using rubber bands to launch those suckers at friends or unsuspecting targets in the bleachers. Dont think I got into trouble for that. There were some wads we made that I was so impressed with that I colored them and would crawl under the bleachers to retrieve.

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