Dancing with the Hawks- Jok and Gesell get down

Chalk this up to something I didn't think I'd see today... Airports can be really boring but I've never done that in em before.
Mike is the kid you see on the court and you're like I'm gonna own this nerd... and then you get embarrassed

These guys make it so easy to root for them! I loved that! Mikey G is hilarious and Fran seems to be recruiting good kids who love being team mates. Can't wait for bball!
And then there is this thread regarding this dance that is full of racism, discrimination and hypocriticism for what is the most egotistical and hypocritical fanbase in the world, Cyclones: CycloneFanatic
Im glad we didnt post everything that we did as a team on the interwebs. You can tell who wasnt on any fun teams(or on any teams at all) by what they post on here. They werent trying to look cool they were just screwing around.
Imma go ahead and guess if you ask Mike he knows he looks like a total moron. Imma guess he also doesn't care... The commodore(sp) on this team is special and its why Fran will be successful having this many guys that deserve playing time taking a lesser role to win ball games. Also.. f cyclonefanatic.com
Having fun watching the team having fun. A few dance lessons wouldn't hurt though......lol.
I think it's easy to forget how hard these guys work and how much pressure is put on them. Good to see an 18 & a 19 year kid have some fun.

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