Damn you Barta


Well-Known Member
Kirk has one lucky season with the easiest schedule ever, and now we're stuck with this craptastic brand of football for eternity.
Another loss as a double digit favorite? I am so pissed at Barta right now I can barely see straight. The commentator just said "When you have great receivers, it is real easy to complete crossing routes".....any wonder now why WE never run them???? We can't even run them with our best receiver who is out injured...."Nice" receiver who wouldn't even sniff the field at a real program. Don't get me started about our safety valve TE who looks more like a fireplug Fullback or DB Snyder who couldn't cover my grandma who has been dead for 20 years. Again, WHY is our coach being paid like the coaches who ARE expected to compete at the highest level, when his recruiting and assistant coach hiring practices say that his bar is MUCH lower than those REAL coaches??? KF's smoke and mirrors tricks once every 5-6 years are things of beauty for those who are easily duped by shiny objects. Just look at his record as Hlas published years ago as a double digit favorite vs the rest of the league....it will BLOW your freakin' mind!!!!! That is ALL you need to know about this fraud who will NEVER reach the next level at Iowa.....NEVER!!!!

Barta, you SUCK!!!!!
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