Barta is just hoping that Ferentz doesn't fire him.
Barta is just hoping that Ferentz doesn't fire him.
No, KF owns Barta
Exactly. "Putting the screws" to your boss is a risky move.
As long as the donors continue to contribute and the facilities continue to be upgraded, there are no issues. This is what AD's are judged on.
As long as Iowa fans show up and keep paying increasingly higher ticket prices, parking costs, concession costs, etc... then nothing will change. It's about money, not wins. Sorry, but that's the truth these days.
I've always maintained that KF deserves every penny he makes, up until the point that the fans stop paying to come watch the product on the field. And I'm not so sure when that will stop? It's become too much of a party and a good time for fans to not show up anymore. If you were no longer able to tailgate at all before or after football games, would anyone show up for the Purdue game? That would be interesting to see?
I went to every home game the first 2 years KF was here.. That Minessota game the first year,you could see his palyers were buying what he was selling. Then you could see the improvement thru out the following season. I have not seen that at all the last 6 years. The program has become soft and complacent under KF and there needs to be a change because it starts with KF.
This,Barta is the b@tch in this relationship. Kirk made u;p his contract extension and handed the crayon to Barta to sign.
I don't think very many people think KF deserves the money he makes,he's sure not earning it!!, but I do think as long as the seats are filled nothing is going to happen. I've been a season ticket holder for 30 some years and I'm finding it hard to justify the cost compared to this years product.
sit KF down and tell him that things must improve? Does he put the proverbial screws to him? Has this happened already?