Courtesty from a KSU Wildcat


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Post #1039
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Re: Met a Husker fan today. Reply
Don't worry kittie fans, you will be happy to know that "Big Brother" has found a replacement for you guys in the Big 10. The Iowa Hogeyes fill that bill real good. I thought you guys were bad about the little brother complex, but Iowa will do just fine in our new conference.

I got this from another board.
The problem with this statement is that THIS little brother is meaner than Sh$t and is just as tough as "big brother," and probably tougher. When big brother plays "Little brother," big brother better have his helmet strapped about two notches tighter because this ain't the little brother of the 60's and 70's and big brother ain't the player they was in the 80's and 90's. And big brother is no longer playing the little sisters from Lames.

Can't wait till 'big brother" comes to town...
Post #1039
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Re: Met a Husker fan today. Reply
Don't worry kittie fans, you will be happy to know that "Big Brother" has found a replacement for you guys in the Big 10. The Iowa Hogeyes fill that bill real good. I thought you guys were bad about the little brother complex, but Iowa will do just fine in our new conference.

I got this from another board.
The problem with this statement is that THIS little brother is meaner than Sh$t and is just as tough as "big brother," and probably tougher. When big brother plays "Little brother," big brother better have his helmet strapped about two notches tighter because this ain't the little brother of the 60's and 70's and big brother ain't the player they was in the 80's and 90's. And big brother is no longer playing the little sisters from Lames.

Can't wait till 'big brother" comes to town...
Yes i could agree more.:):):)
You know the story about how big brother kicks little bothers butt for years and years. Then one day after little brother's grown up, he decides to fight back and ends up bloodying big brother who gets up shocked and runs away crying and wimpering. Yeah, that's what this is!
Can't wait for this rivalry to develop. Shouldn't take long. Can't wait for Big Red's "Big Ten reality check!"
Can't wait for this rivalry to develop. Shouldn't take long. Can't wait for Big Red's "Big Ten reality check!"
What hotels do you recommend in Pasadena? :D

I kid

While I don't think NU is going to come in and dominate, we shouldn't be shell shocked either. We are coming from a BCS conference after all, not the MAC. I can't wait.